Contributions on History and Culture of Elam and its neighbouring regions

Guidelines for authors

Articles and monographies are to be presented as a Word and a PDF document, which can be sent as e-mail attachment or on CD. For the articles in Arabic and Persian the title and a short abstract in English is requested.


- Font type and size: Times New Roman, 11 point, line spacing uniformly 1.5

- Standard format: please avoid other paragraph formats

- No indentations (tabs)

- No manual word-division

- No small capitals

- Titel: 11 point, bold

- Use only footnotes (no endnotes) for references to literature

- Footnote numbers should be typed at the end of the sentence, in front of punctuation marks

- Footnotes start with capital and end with a dot

- Illustration caption has to be written in text (10 points), at the place, where the illustration has to be set (extra line):

Figure 1: The graves in area I.

- Tables are numbered separately. Table caption has to be written in text (10 points), at the place, where the table has to be set (extra line):

Table 1: The distribution of figurine in area I.

- References to literature in footnotes have this short-form:

Herrero 1976, 96.

Steve/Vallat 1989, 225.

- Supra reference (same reference as the previous one) quoting another page is abbreviated with:

ibid., 35 (page number).


The illustrations should be numbered as “figures” (fig.) or “Abbildung” (Abb.) when they have to appear in the text and as “plates” (Pl.) or “Tafel” (Taf.) if they should come after the text.

- Figures and tables are counted separately for each article

- All figures (maps, diagrams, pictures) are black-and-white

- Coloured illustrations are accepted only if absolutely necessary.

- Hand over each digital (grey-scale) picture as separate file (as tiff-file, if jpg, the quality should be very high). Picture resolution at least 300 dpi.

- Line drawings resolution: 600 dpi, as separate tiff-file

- Permission to publish and/or reproduce has to be granted


These are examples for citations of monographs, series, contributions to series or journals, and edited collections of papers.

Negahban, E.,

1991 Excavations at Haft Tepe, Iran, Philadelphia.

Amiet, P.,

1972 Glyptique Susienne des origins à l’époque des perses achéménides. Cachets, sceaux-cylindres et empreintes antiques découverts à Suse de 1913 à 1967, MDAI 43, Paris.

Herrero, P.,

1976 Tablettes administratives de Haft – Tépé, DAFI 6, 93-116.

Herrero, P./Glassner, J. J.,

1990 Haft-Tépé: Choix de textes I., IrAnt 25, 1-45.

Steve, M.-J./Vallat, F.,

1989 La dynastie des Igihalkides: nouvelles interprétations, in: L. De Meyer/E. Haerinck (eds.), Archaeologia Iranica et Orientalis. Miscellanea in honorem Louis Vanden Berghe, Gent, 223-238.

The seal of Ginadu, an administration offical from Haft Tappeh
(C) 2011 ELAMICA