

The Phi Distribution for Short English Texts

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We take the next 26000 letters from The Fighting Chance, see here, and chop it into chunks a, b, c, d, ... of 26. Here is the spreadsheet, and here are the results:

To get φ-values divide x-values in the graphic by 13 x 25 = 325.
[Frequency of phi values]

Distribution of φ for 2000 English texts of 26 letters

Minimum: 0.0227
Median: 0.0585Mean value: 0.0606
Maximum: 0.1385Standard dev:0.0154
1st quartile:0.04925% quantile: 0.0400
3rd quartile:0.067795% quantile:0.0892

Author: Klaus Pommerening, 2013-Dec-20; last change: 2014-Jan-23.