
Classical Cryptology

Some material

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Furthermore you might be interested in letter frequency tables:

To use Perl you need a Perl interpreter on your system. You get it here:

In a Unix system add a first line to each script:
or whatever the path to your Perl interpreter is. Then make the script executable and call it (e. g.) as follows:
myscript.pl < input.txt
where input.txt is your input file. If you want to catch the output in another file, use (e. g.)
myscript.pl < input.txt > output.txt
In a Windows system you probably should call the script from the command line as follows:
perl myscript.pl < input.txt
perl myscript.pl < input.txt > output.txt

Author: Klaus Pommerening, September 29, 1999; last changed February 2, 2004.