Questions and Answers


Here we collect questions, answers, and comments on the backplane tester specifications document. At a later stage part of the material might be included in the specifications.

Can I suggest some sort of PCB support?  With so little on the module I suspect it might flex when inserting the module into the backplane.

Will be done. Bracing bars top, bottom and towards the backplane.

How do you plan to "feed" the backplane test module? Are you going to use existing CPM/JEM with modified firmware to send data at 320Mb/s? Will you try to test full crate (14/16 modules) or just use a single module in different positions?

We will test with existing CPMs and JEMs (requiring special firmware), since future CMMs would have to deal with these modules. As far as JEMs are concerned we will in a first attempt do tests with all spares we've got. That's 13 of them. We would also ask for as many CPMs as possible. It will in principle be possible to run CPMs and JEMs in the same crate as long as there is one empty slot between them. However, since we anticipate running JEMs and CPMs on different I/O voltages eventually, there are obviously some limitations to that approach.