Achim Klenke

Simulations of Stochastic Processes

We proudly present

Pictures of Simulations

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Random Tilings

[domino tiling]


The Minotaur blocks your way. Fortunately, it is only half as quick as you are. Can you avoid the minotaur and continue your way up? Click the flag to start the programme.

Source code and larger screen hier.

Colored balls

Sort the balls by color into the racks. Click on the top ball to move it.

Source code and larger screen here.

Mouse Hunt on the Grid

The cat starts its hunt for the mouse (grid point (7,2)) in the bottom left corner. In each steps it cosses a toin to decide whether to go one step up or right. When it reaches the upper or right edge, it goes straight to the top right corner. Sometimes the cat catches the mouse, but most likely it does not. Click the flag to start the programme. Space bar or a click on the cat starts a hunt. Key 0 accelarates, key 2 slows down.

Source code and larger screen here.

Cat in a small Square

The cat starts its random walk at circle 1. In each step it either goes one step up, down, right or left at random with same probabities. On a red circle it stops moving. For any of the red circles, what is the probability the cat stops exactly there? Click the flag to start the programme.

Source code and larger screen here.

The Lamp Game

Switch off all lamps. When you click on a lamp, three lamps change status.

Source code and larger screen here.