

Idea and History of Cylinder Ciphers

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The key of a cylinder cipher is the order of the disks. Therefore the key space consists of all permutations of the disks, sometimes even of a choice of disks from a larger collection.

This makes the key space quite large.

The single alphabets on the disks should not be considered as part of the key.

Historical Data

Cipher cylinders are roughly an invention of the 19th Century. They were in use in 20th Century by the military of many countries up to World War II.

Forgotten precursors:

The idea was taken up again after KASISKI had shown how easily periodic polyalphabetic ciphers with short periods can be broken, and KERCKHOFFS had demonstrated the vulnerability of dependent alphabets.

More facts:

For Further Reading

Author: Klaus Pommerening, 3. Dezember 1999-Dec-03; last change: 2014-Jul-24.