

The Similarity Between Columnar and Block Transpositions

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The permutation (2413) transforms the text

  Vom Eise befreit sind Strom und Baeche
via the columnar transposition scheme
  2 4 1 3
  V O M E
  I S E B
  E F R E
  I T S I
  N D S T
  R O M U
  N D B A
  E C H E
into the ciphertext
If we write the latter in columns instead of rows—that is we go to the transposed mtrix—, we get the scheme
  M V E O
  E I B S
  R E E F
  S I I T
  S N T D
  M R U O
  B N A D
  H E E C
This is a block transposition of the plaintext of blocklength 4. Breaking it is trivial with a known plaintext of length at least 4. (For example there is only one possible position of the probable word Strom.)

Mathematical Description

As usual the mathematical description is a way of concealing the simplicity of this method that is very easily understood from the example. But it also leads to deeper insight (at least we hope so).

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Author: Klaus Pommerening, 2000-Jan-22; last change: 2014-Jul-24.