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!CALL FOR PAPERS: 4th Workshop on using Emerging Parallel Architectures (WEPA 2012) http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/ !!held in conjunction with the [[International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012)|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/]], Omaha, Nebraska, June 2 – 4, 2012 The computing landscape has undergone significant transformation with the emergence of more powerful processing elements such as ~GPUs, ~FPGAs, multi-cores, etc. On the multi-core front, Moore’s Law has transcended beyond the single processor boundary with the prediction that the number of cores will double every 18 months. Going forward, the primary method of gaining processor performance will be through parallelism. Multi-core technology has visibly penetrated the global market. Accordingly to the latest Top500 lists the HPC landscape has evolved from supercomputer systems into large clusters of dual or quad-core processors. Furthermore, ~GPUs, ~FPGAs and multi-cores have been shown to be formidable computing alternatives, where certain classes of applications witness more than one order of magnitude improvement over their GPP counterpart. Therefore, future computational science centers will employ resources such as FPGA and GPU architectures to serve as co-processors to offload appropriate compute-intensive portions of applications from the servers. This workshop provides a forum for exploring the capabilities of emerging parallel architectures to accelerate computational science applications. Papers are being sought on a wide variety of topics related to the field of using emerging parallel architectures for computational science including but not limited to: *Application studies on emerging architectures such as ~GPUs, ~FPGAs and Intel MIC *Parallel algorithms and methodologies on emerging architectures *Languages, models, tools, and compilation techniques for emerging architectures *Hybrid computer systems consisting of a combination of ~GPUs, ~FPGAs, etc. *Use of emerging architectures in clusters, grids and supercomputers !!Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original, unpublished research and recent developments. All accepted oral papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series (on-line and CD). The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of [[Procedia Computer Science|http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/719435/description]] (for [[Latex formatting|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/procedia/ecrc-procs.zip]]; [[MSword|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/procedia/ProcediaComputerScience_template.dot]]). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. Pdf and source versions of your paper must be submitted electronically through the [[ICCS 2012 paper submission system|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/papers/upload.php]]. Please, note that papers must not exceed ten pages in length, when typeset using the Procedia format. !!Important Dates: *Full paper submission: January 09, 2012 *Acceptance notification: February 09, 2012 *Camera ready papers: March 01, 2012 *Early registration opens: February 15, 2012 *Early registration ends: April 15, 2012 !!Workshop Co-Chairs: *Bertil Schmidt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, bertil.schmidt@uni-mainz.de, http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/ *Douglas Maskell, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, asdouglas@ntu.edu.sg !!Program Committee: *Deming Chen (UIUC, USA) *Robert Strzodka (MPI Informatik, Germany) *Dan Negrut (University of Wisconsin, USA) *Jan Philipp Weiss (KIT, Germany) *Thomas Steinke (ZIB Berlin, Germany) *Dominik Goeddeke (Uni Dortmund, Germany) *Andreas Kloeckner (NYU, USA) *Yongchao Liu (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Andre Brinkmann (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Stefan Kramer (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Bingsheng He (NTU, Singapore) *Rick Goh (IHPC, Singapore) *Alexander Heineke (TU Munich, Germany) *Josef Weidendorfer (TU Munich, Germany) *Lars Wienbrandt (Uni Kiel, Germany) *John Paul Walters (USC, USA) *Scott Emrich (Uni Notre Dame, USA) *Witold Rudnicki (Uni Warsaw, Poland) *Arpith Jacob (Washington Uni in St Louis, USA) *Mathieu Giraud (INRIA, France) *Rob Farber (PNNL, USA) *Stan Scott (Queens Uni Belfast, UK) *Chris Clarke (Uni Bath, UK) *Manfred Schimmler (University of Kiel, Germany) *Simon See (NVIDIA, Singapore) *Neil Bergmann (University of Queensland, Australia) *Alexandros Stamatakis (HITS, Germany) *Dominique Lavenier (IRISA, France) *Jaroslaw Zola (Iowa State Uni, USA) *Ananth Kalyanaraman (Washington State Uni, USA) *Gerrit Voss (Fraunhofer, Singapore) *Weiguo Liu (Fraunhofer, Singapore)
|!Address|Staudingerweg 9, 55128 Mainz, Germany| |!Office|05-233| |!Phone|+49-6131-39-22923| |!Fax|+49-6131-39-23534| |!Email|bertil.schmidt @ uni-mainz.de|
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![[News]] ![[Publications]] ![[Resume]] ![[Software]] ![[Teaching]] ![[Contact]] <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/BookCover1.jpg" width="100" align="left"> </html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/CTC_Logo.jpg" width="100" align="left"> </html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/CRC_Logo.jpg" width="100" align="left"> </html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/Book1.jpg" width="100" align="left"> </html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/GPUgems.jpg" width="100" align="left"> </html>
!Photo of my HPC research group at JGU Mainz <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/Group.jpg" width="600"> </html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/Retreat20183.jpg" width="600"> </html> !Best Paper Award Finalist at ~SC20 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/AWARD-ICON.png" width="150"> </html> Our paper "~Cell-List Based Molecular Dynamics on ~Many-Core Processors: A Case Study on Sunway Taihu Light Supercomputer" has been nominated for the Best Paper Award at the prestigious ''~SC20'' conferfence !Carl Zeiss Foundation funds two ~PhD student positions The Carl Zeiss Foundation funds two ~PhD student positions in my research group as part of the projects //Big Data in Atmospheric Physics (BINARY) // and // //Emergent Algorithmic Intelligence (EAI)// !Second Exchange program with China funded by DAAD and CSC The ''German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)'' and ''China Scholarship Council (CSC)'' has jointly funded a second exchange program between my research group and the School of Computer and Technology at ''Shandong University'' (2019 to 2021) !Our new textbook is now available for pre-order <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/BookCover1.jpg" width="250"> </html> Our ''//new textbook//'' [[Parallel Programming - Concepts and Practice|https://www.elsevier.com/books/parallel-programming/schmidt/978-0-12-849890-3]] published with Morgan Kaufmann (Elsevier) is now available for order. !!!''Key Features'' *Covers parallel programming approaches for single computer nodes and HPC clusters: ~OpenMP 4.5, C++14 multithreading, ~AVX-based SIMD vectorization, CUDA 9, MPI, UPC++ *Contains numerous practical parallel programming exercises *Includes access to an automated code evaluation tool that enables students the opportunity to program in a web browser and receive immediate feedback on the result validity of their program *Features an example-based teaching of concept to enhance learning outcomes Check out the ''website'' for more information: [[http://parallelprogrammingbook.org|http://parallelprogrammingbook.org/]]. !Two papers accepted at the prestigious //IEEE IPDPS 2017// conference Our two papers have both been accepted at [[IEEE IPDPS 2017|http://www.ipdps.org/]] <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/logo-lg-2017.jpg" width="100"> </html> : H. Lan, W. Liu, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: ''~SWhybrid: A Hybrid Parallel Framework for ~Large-Scale Protein Sequence Database Search'' Y. Chan, K. Xu, H. Lan, W. Liu, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: ''PUNAS: A Parallel ~Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for ~Next-Generation Sequencing Read Alignment'' !DFG and BMBF project funding approved Two new research projects have been funded: ''~DFG-project:'' //~HySim: Hybrid-parallel similarity search for the analysis of big genomic and proteomic data//. Total project funding: EUR 487.600 over 3 years (2017-2020) in collaboration with Andreas Hildebrandt ''~BMBF-poject:'' //Metacca: Metaprogramming for accelerators//, Total project funding: EUR: 1.509.750 over 3 years (2017-2019) in collaboartion with Saarland University and University of Erlangen !Appointed as ~Topic-Chair for ~Euro-Par 2017 I have been appointed as the Chair for Topic 12 (Accelerator Computing) at [[Euro-Par 2017|http://europar2017.usc.es/]] to be held in beautiful Santiago de Compostela (Spain) !Exchange program with China funded by DAAD and CSC The ''German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)'' and ''China Scholarship Council (CSC)'' has jointly funded an exchange program between my research group and the School of Computer and Technology at ''Shandong University'' for 2 years !Appointed as Associate Editor for the Journal of Distributed and Parallel Computing (JPDC) I am now on the Editorial board of the renowned ''JPDC journal''. !!![[JPDC Editorial Board|http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-parallel-and-distributed-computing/editorial-board/]] (Elsevier): !Best Paper Award at IEEE ASAP 2015 in Toronto <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/AWARD-ICON.png" width="150"> </html> Our paper "~LightSpMV: faster ~CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication on ~CUDA-enabled ~GPUs" has won the Best Paper Award at the prestigious IEEE ASAP 2015 conference in Toronto !Carl Zeiss Foundation to Fund Competence Center for HPC in the Natural Sciences at JGU The Carl Zeiss Foundation will be providing a total of EUR 750,000 over four years to fund the Competence Center for HPC in the Natural Sciences at the Institute of Computer Science of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The proposed competence center for high performance computing (HPC), which will be headed by Professor Bertil Schmidt, General Manager of the Institute of Computer Science, and Professor André Brinkmann, Director of the JGU Center of Data Processing, will promote interdisciplinary collaborations between the natural sciences and computer science at Mainz University over the long term. !!![[Article on HPC Wire|http://www.hpcwire.com/off-the-wire/carl-zeiss-foundation-fund-competence-center-hpc-natural-sciences-mainz-university/]] !Three papers published in IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics !!![[Parallel and Space-efficient Construction of Burrows Wheeler Transform and Suffix Array for Big Genome Data|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7102734&refinements%3D4229764969%26filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A4359833%29/]], !!![[Efficient and Accurate OTU Clustering with GPU-based Sequence Alignment and Dynamic Dendrogram Cutting|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7050241&filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A4359833%29/]] and !!![[Parallelizing Epistasis Detection in GWAS on FPGA and GPU-accelerated Computing Systems|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7005476&filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A4359833%29%26pageNumber%3D2/]] !Program Chair at ~HiPC 2015 and PBC 2015 Please consider submitting papers to !!![[HiPC 2015|http://www.hipc.org/hipc2015/index.php]] and !!![[PBC 2015|http://http://pbc.ppam.pl//]] !Food Sequencing paper published in BMC Genomics ~DNA-based methods like PCR efficiently identify and quantify the taxon composition of complex biological materials, but are limited to detecting species targeted by the choice of the primer assay. We show here how untargeted deep sequencing of foodstuff total genomic DNA, followed by bioinformatic analysis of sequence reads, facilitates highly accurate identification of species from all kingdoms of life, at the same time enabling quantitative measurement of the main ingredients and detection of unanticipated food components. !!![[All-Food-Seq (AFS): a quantifiable screen for species in biological samples by deep DNA sequencing|http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/15/639/]] !MUSKET short read error corrector accepted in Bioinformatics Musket is an efficient multistage k-mer based corrector for Illumina short-read data. Our performance evaluation results, in terms of correction quality and de novo genome assembly measures, reveal that Musket is consistently one of the top performing correctors. In addition, Musket is multi-threaded using a master-slave model and demonstrates superior parallel scalability compared to all other evaluated correctors as well as a highly competitive overall execution time. !!![[Download|http://musket.sourceforge.net/]] !!!Y. Liu, J. Schröder, __B. Schmidt__: //Musket: a multistage k-mer spectrum based error corrector for Illumina sequence data//, ''Bioinformatics'', to appear !~CUSHAW2 high-throughput long read aligner published in Bioinformatics (open access) ~CUSHAW2 is a paralell and accurate long read aligner for gapped alignments to large genomes, such as the human genome. We have evaluated and compared ~CUSHAW2 to the three other long read aligners ~BWA-SW, ~Bowtie2, and GASSST, by aligning simulated and real datasets to the human genome. The performance evaluation shows that ~CUSHAW2 is consistently among the highest-ranked aligners in terms of alignment quality for both single-end and paired-end alignment, while demonstrating highly competitive speed. !!![[Download|http://cushaw2.sourceforge.net/]] !!!Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/18/i318.full?sid=df905846-f436-4e8f-a288-7a34bd348ca7]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2012; 28(18): i318–i324 !~DySC Software for Greedy Clustering of 16S rRNA Reads published in Bioinformatics Clustering of the 16S rRNA reads is an important but time-consuming task. We present ~DySC, a new tool based on the greedy clustering approach which uses a dynamic seeding strategy. Evaluations based on the normalized mutual information criterion show that ~DySC produces higher quality clusters than UCLUST and ~CD-HIT at a shorter runtime. !!![[Download|http://code.google.com/p/dysc/]] !!!Z. Zheng, S. Kramer, __B. Schmidt__: //[[DySC: Software for Greedy Clustering of 16S rRNA Reads|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/16/2182]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', (2012) 28 (16): 2182-2183 !Group website now online The website of my research group is now online: [[Parallel and Distributed Architectures|http://hpc.informatik.uni-mainz.de/]] !CUSHAW short read aligner published in Bioinformatics CUSHAW has evolved into a software package designed for next-generation sequencing read alignment. This is the first version of the package, which only provides support for ungapped read alignment. It is a CUDA compatible short read aligner to large genomes based on the ~Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and is programmed in CUDA C++ parallel programming language. Performance evaluation, using simulated as well as real short read datasets, reveals that CUSHAW running on one or two ~GPUs achieves significant speedups in terms of execution time, while yielding comparable or even better alignment quality for paired-end alignments, compared to three popular ~BWT-based aligners: Bowtie, BWA and ~SOAP2. This aligner does not support for gapped alignments. !!![[Download|http://cushaw.sourceforge.net/]] !!!Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //[[CUSHAW: a CUDA compatible short read aligner to large genomes based on the ~Burrows-Wheeler transform|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/05/09/bioinformatics.bts276.abstract]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', (2012) 28(14): 1830-1837 !CALL FOR PAPERS: 4th Workshop on using Emerging Parallel Architectures (WEPA 2012) http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/ !!held in conjunction with the [[International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012)|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/]], Omaha, Nebraska, June 4 – 6, 2012 The computing landscape has undergone significant transformation with the emergence of more powerful processing elements such as ~GPUs, ~FPGAs, multi-cores, etc. On the multi-core front, Moore’s Law has transcended beyond the single processor boundary with the prediction that the number of cores will double every 18 months. Going forward, the primary method of gaining processor performance will be through parallelism. Multi-core technology has visibly penetrated the global market. Accordingly to the latest Top500 lists the HPC landscape has evolved from supercomputer systems into large clusters of dual or quad-core processors. Furthermore, ~GPUs, ~FPGAs and multi-cores have been shown to be formidable computing alternatives, where certain classes of applications witness more than one order of magnitude improvement over their GPP counterpart. Therefore, future computational science centers will employ resources such as FPGA and GPU architectures to serve as co-processors to offload appropriate compute-intensive portions of applications from the servers. This workshop provides a forum for exploring the capabilities of emerging parallel architectures to accelerate computational science applications. Papers are being sought on a wide variety of topics related to the field of using emerging parallel architectures for computational science including but not limited to: *Application studies on emerging architectures such as ~GPUs, ~FPGAs and Intel MIC *Parallel algorithms and methodologies on emerging architectures *Languages, models, tools, and compilation techniques for emerging architectures *Hybrid computer systems consisting of a combination of ~GPUs, ~FPGAs, etc. *Use of emerging architectures in clusters, grids and supercomputers !!Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original, unpublished research and recent developments. All accepted oral papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series (on-line and CD). The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of [[Procedia Computer Science|http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/719435/description]] (for [[Latex formatting|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/procedia/ecrc-procs.zip]]; [[MSword|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/procedia/ProcediaComputerScience_template.dot]]). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. PostScript and source versions of your paper must be submitted electronically through the [[ICCS 2012 paper submission system|http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2012/papers/upload.php]]. Please, note that papers must not exceed ten pages in length, when typeset using the Procedia format. !!Important Dates: *Full paper submission: --January 09, 2012-- ''January 20, 2012 (Deadline extended)'' *Acceptance notification: --February 09, 2012-- February 20, 2012 *Camera ready papers: --March 01, 2012-- March 10, 2012 *Early registration opens: February 15, 2012 *Early registration ends: April 15, 2012 !!Workshop Co-Chairs: *Bertil Schmidt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, bertil.schmidt@uni-mainz.de, http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/ *Douglas Maskell, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, asdouglas@ntu.edu.sg !!Program Committee: *Deming Chen (UIUC, USA) *Robert Strzodka (MPI Informatik, Germany) *Dan Negrut (University of Wisconsin, USA) *Jan Philipp Weiss (KIT, Germany) *Thomas Steinke (ZIB Berlin, Germany) *Dominik Goeddeke (Uni Dortmund, Germany) *Andreas Kloeckner (NYU, USA) *Yongchao Liu (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Andre Brinkmann (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Stefan Kramer (JGU Mainz, Germany) *Bingsheng He (NTU, Singapore) *Rick Goh (IHPC, Singapore) *Alexander Heineke (TU Munich, Germany) *Josef Weidendorfer (TU Munich, Germany) *Lars Wienbrandt (Uni Kiel, Germany) *John Paul Walters (USC, USA) *Scott Emrich (Uni Notre Dame, USA) *Witold Rudnicki (Uni Warsaw, Poland) *Arpith Jacob (Washington Uni in St Louis, USA) *Mathieu Giraud (INRIA, France) *Rob Farber (PNNL, USA) *Stan Scott (Queens Uni Belfast, UK) *Chris Clarke (Uni Bath, UK) *Manfred Schimmler (University of Kiel, Germany) *Simon See (NVIDIA, Singapore) *Neil Bergmann (University of Queensland, Australia) *Alexandros Stamatakis (HITS, Germany) *Dominique Lavenier (IRISA, France) *Jaroslaw Zola (Iowa State Uni, USA) *Ananth Kalyanaraman (Washington State Uni, USA) *Gerrit Voss (Fraunhofer, Singapore) *Weiguo Liu (Fraunhofer, Singapore) !Papers !!![[PASHA|http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/12/354/abstract]] de-novo assembler for large genomes now published in BMC Bioinformatics. [[PASHA|http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/12/354/abstract]] is a parallelized short read assembler for large genomes using de Bruijn graphs. The proof-of-concept implementation takes advantange of hybrid computing systems comprising shared-memory multi-core ~CPUs and distributed-memory compute clusters to assemble human genomes efficiently. [[Download PASHA|http://sites.google.com/site/yongchaosoftware/pasha]] !Presentations !!!Keynote speaker at JOBIM 2012 I will be Keynote Speaker at the 13th edition of the yearly French conference on bioinformatics, JOBIM 2012, in Rennes !!!<html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/GTCAsia.jpg" width="300"> </html> Invited talk at GTC Asia 2011 I will be giving an invited talk at the [[GTC Asia 2011|http://www.gputechconf.cn/en/home.html]] conference in Beijing about Life Sciences and Bioinformatics. !!!<html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/gtc.jpg" width="120"> </html> Invited talk at GTC 2012 I will be giving an invited talk at the [[NVIDIA GTC 2012|http://www.gputechconf.com/page/home.html]] conference in San Jose about using //~GPUs for Bioinformatics//. !!!Presentation at PRIB 2011 I will be presenting our paper //~CRiSPy-CUDA: Computing Species Richness in 16S rRNA Pyrosequencing Datasets with CUDA// at the [[PRIB 2011|http://prib2011.org/]] conference in Delft. !!!<html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/europar.png" width="120"> </html> Two presentations at ~EuroPar 2011 I will be presenting our paper //Iterative Sparse ~Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Integer Factorization on ~GPUs// at the [[Euro-Par 2011|http://europar2011.bordeaux.inria.fr/ ]] conference in Bordeaux. In addition to that, I will give a ''invited talk'' at the [[UCHPC 2011|http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/~weidendo/uchpc11/]] workshop held in conjunction with ~Euro-Par. !!!Video of my presentation at IMA Workshop available online Video and Slides of my invited talk at the [[IMA Workshop on High Performance Computing and Emerging Architectures|http://www.ima.umn.edu/2010-2011/W1.10-14.11/]] in Minneapolis are available [[here|http://www.ima.umn.edu/2010-2011/W1.10-14.11/abstracts.html#10541]] !Other News !!![[Taipan|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/17/2279.full]] evaluated as best de-novo assembler for Microorganisms by two independent comparisons Two recent comparisons in [[A Practical Comparison of De Novo Genome Assembly Software Tools for Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies|http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0017915]] and [[Scoring-and-unfolding trimmed tree assembler: concepts, constructs and comparisons|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/2/153.full]] have both ranked [[Taipan|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/17/2279.full]] as the best performing assembler for small genomes from single end short reads (length 36 to 75bps). !!!<html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/cmotif.gif" width="150" > </html> [[CUDA-MEME|http://sites.google.com/site/yongchaosoftware/mcuda-meme]] used in [[CompleteMOTIFs|http://cmotifs.tchlab.org/]] pipeline developed by Harvard Medical School. ~CompleteMOTIFs is a motif discovery platform to find motifs in their peak datasets from transcription factor (TF) binding experiments such as ~ChIP-seq and ~ChIP-chip.~CUDA-MEME is sued to speed up the computation process. More details are described in [[CompleteMOTIFs: DNA motif discovery platform for transcription factor binding experiments|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/5/715.full]]
![[Google Scholar Profile|http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=fUxQceoAAAAJ]] <html> <a href="http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=fUxQceoAAAAJ"><img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/google_scholar2.png" width="32"> </html>, [[DBLP Profile|http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/s/Schmidt:Bertil]] <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/dblp.jpg" width="32"> </html>, [[ResearchGate|https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bertil_Schmidt]] <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/RG.png" width="32"> </html> !__2020__ !!Journals #Kallenborn, F., Hildebrandt, A., __Schmidt, B.__: //[[CARE: Context-Aware Sequencing Read Error Correction|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa738/5894969]] //. ''Bioinformatics '', in press, 2020 (IF: 5.610) #Yin, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, J., Wei, Y., __Schmidt, B.__, Liu, W.: //[[RabbitMash: Accelerating hash-based genome analysis on modern multi-core architectures|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa754/5897409]] //. ''Bioinformatics '', in press, 2020 (IF: 5.610) #Yin, Z., Zhang, H., Liu, M., Zhang, W., Song, H., Lan, H., Wei, Y., Niu, B., __Schmidt, B.__, Liu, W.: //[[RabbitQC: High-speed scalable quality control for sequencing data|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa719/5892252]] //. ''Bioinformatics '', in press, 2020 (IF: 5.610) #Ringe, K., Chieu, V., Wacker, F., Lenzen, H., Manns, M., Hundt, C., __Schmidt, B.__, Winther, H.: //Fully automated detection of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) compatible bile duct changes based on 3D magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography using machine learning//, ''European Radiology'', to appear, 2020 (IF: 4.101) #Abuin, J., Lopes, N., Ferreira, L., Pena, T.F., __Schmidt, B.__: //Big Data in Metagenomics: Apache Spark vs MPI//, ''~PLoS ONE'', to appear, 2020 (IF: 2.740) #S. Niebler, A. Müller, A., T. Hankeln, __B. Schmidt__: //[[RainDrop: Rapid activation matrix computation for droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq reads|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12859-020-03593-4]] //. ''BMC Bioinformatics'', 21(1), 1-14, 2020 (IF: 3.213) #R. Kobus, J. Abuin, A., Müller, A., S.L. Hellmann, J.C. Pichel, T.F. Pena, A. Hildebrandt, T. Hankeln, __B. Schmidt__: //[[A big data approach to metagenomics for all-food-sequencing|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12859-020-3429-6]]//, ''BMC Bionformatics'', 21(1), 1-15, 2020, (IF: 3.402) #Gao, P., Duan, X., Zhang, T., Zhang, M., __Schmidt, B.__, Zhang, X., Sun, H., Zhang, W., Gan, L., Xue, W., Fu, H., Liu, W., Yang, G.: //[[Millimeter-Scale and Billion-Atom Reactive Force Field Simulation on Sunway Taihulight|https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9138781]]//. '' IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)'', 31(12), 2954-2967, 2020 (IF: 3.402). #H. Lan, J. Meng, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, M. Deng, X. Wang, W. Liu, Y. Qiao, S. Feng: //[[FeatherCNN: Fast Inference Computation with TensorGEMM on ARM Architectures|https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8826372]] //, ''IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)'', 31(3), 580-594, 2020 (IF: 3.402) #H. Winther, M. Gutberlet, C. Hundt, T. Kaireit, T. Alsady, __B. Schmidt__, F. Wacker, Y. Sun, S. Dettmer, S.. Maschke, J. Hinrichs, S. Jambawalikar, M.R. Prince, G. Barr, J. Vogel‐Claussen: //[[Deep semantic lung segmentation for tracking potential pulmonary perfusion biomarkers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): The multi‐ethnic study of atherosclerosis COPD study|https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmri.26853]]//, ''Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)'', 51(2), 571-579 (IF: 3.732) #Hellmann, S. L., Ripp, F., Bikar, S. E., __Schmidt, B.__, Köppel, R., Hankeln, T. //[[Identification and quantification of meat product ingredients by whole-genome metagenomics (All-Food-Seq)|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-019-03404-y]]//. ''European Food Research and Technology'', 246(1), 193-200, 2020 (IF: 2.366) !!Conferences #__Schmidt, B.__, Hundt, C.: //[[cuDTW++: Ultra-Fast Dynamic Time Warping on CUDA-Enabled GPUs|https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-57675-2_37]] //. ''European Conference on Parallel Processing (~Euro-Par 2020)'', 597-612. Springer LNCS, 2020 (acceptance rate: 24%) #Jünger, D., Kobus, R., Müller, A., Hundt, C., Xu, K., Liu, W., __Schmidt, B.__: //~WarpCore: A Library for fast Hash Tables on ~GPUs//, ''27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (~HiPC 2020)'', 2020, to appear #Duan, X., Gao, P., Zhang, M., Zhang, T., Meng, H., Li, Y., __Schmidt, B.__, Fu., H., Gan, L., Xue, W., Yang, G., Liu, W.: // ~Cell-List Based Molecular Dynamics on ~Many-Core Processors: A Case Study on Sunway Taihu Light Supercomputer//. ''International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (~SC20)'', IEEE, to appear, 2020 (__BEST PAPER AWARD Finalist__) #Müller, A., __Schmidt, B.__, Hildebrandt, A., Membarth, R., Leißa, R., Kruse, M., Hack, S.: //[[AnySeq: A High Performance Sequence Alignment Library based on Partial Evaluation|https://graphics.cg.uni-saarland.de/publications/mueller-2020-ipdps-anyseq.html]] //.''Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2020)'', IEEE, 2020 (acceptance rate: 25%) #Xu, K., Duan, X., Meng, X., Li, X., __Schmidt, B.__, Liu, W.: //[[SWMapper: Scalable Read Mapper on SunWay TaihuLight|https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3404397.3404445]] //. ''49th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2020)'', ACM press , 2020 (acceptance rate: 29%) #Hieronymus, M., __Schmidt, B.__, Böser, S.: //[[Reconstruction of Low Energy Neutrino Events with GPUs at IceCube|https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-50371-0_9]]//. ''International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2020)'', Springer LNCS, 2020 #Duan, X., Gao, P., Zhang, M., Zhang, T., Meng, H., Li, Y., __Schmidt, B.__, Fu., H., Gan, L., Xue, W., Yang, G., Liu, W.: //[[Neighbor-list-free molecular dynamics on sunway TaihuLight supercomputer|https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3332466.3374532]]//. ''Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (~PPoPP 2020)'', 413-414, 2020. !__2019__ !!Journals #P. Jiang, J. Luo, Y. Wang, P. Deng, __B. Schmidt__, X. Tang, N. Chen, Limsoon Wong, L. Zhao: //[[kmcEx: memory-frugal and retrieval-efficient encoding of counted k-mers|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz299/5481953]] //, ''Bioinformatics'', in press, 2019 (IF: 5.481) #L. Schmidt, S. Werner, T. Kemmer, S. Niebler, L. Ayadi, P. Johe, V. Marchand, T. Schirmeister, Y. Motorin, A. Hildebrandt, __B. Schmidt__, M. Helm: //[[Graphical workflow system for modification calling by machine learning of reverse transcription signatures|https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2019.00876/abstract]]// ''Frontiers in Genetics'', in press, 2019 (IF: 3.517) #J. Zhang, H. Lan, Y. Chan, Y. Shang, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //[[BGSA: a bit-parallel global sequence alignment toolkit for multi-core and many-core architectures|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty930/5184957]] //, ''Bioinformatics'', 35(13):2306-2308, 2019 (IF: 5.481) #F. Kallenborn, C. Hundt, S. Böser, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Massively Parallel Computation of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation on CUDA-enabled Accelerators|https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465518302790]]//, ''Computer Physics Communications'', 234, 235-244, 2019 (IF: 3.74) !!Conferences #F. Büren, D. Jünger, R. Kobus, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Suffix Array Construction on multi-GPU Systems|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3325961]]//, ''ACM HPDC 2019'', 183-194, 2019 (acceptance rate: 20.5%) #R. Kobus, D. Jünger, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Gossip: Efficient Communication Primitives for Multi-GPU Systems|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3337889]]//, ''ACM ICPP 2019'', (acceptance rate: 26%) #A. Weißenberger, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Massively Parallel ANS Decoding on GPUs|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3337888]]//, ''ACM ICPP 2019'', (acceptance rate: 26%) #Z. Yin, T. Zhang, A. Müller, H. Liu, Y. Wei, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //Efficient Sort on ~AVX-512-based Multi-core and ~Many-Core Architectures//, ''IEEE HPCC 2019'', accepted #Z. Yin, H. Zhang, K. Xu, Y. Chan, S. Peng, X. Wang, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //XLCS: A New ~Bit-Parallel Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm on Xeon Phi Clusters//, ''IEEE HPCC 2019'', accepted !__2018__ !!Journals #H. Winther, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, C. Czerner, J. Bauersachs, F. Wacker, J. ~Vogel-Claussen: //[[ν-net: Deep Learning for Generalized Biventricular Cardiac Mass and Function Parameters|http://imaging.onlinejacc.org/content/11/7/1036]]//, ''JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging'', 11(7), 2018 (IF: 10.19) #H. Zhang, Y. Chan, K. Fan, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //[[Fast and Efficient Short Read Mapping based on a Succinct Hash Index|https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5845352/]] //, ''BMC Bioinformatics'', 19(1), 2018 (IF: 2.45) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[LightSpMV: faster CUDA-compatible sparse matrix-vector multiplication using compressed sparse rows|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11265-016-1216-4]]//, ''Journal of Signal Processing Systems'', 90(1):69-86, 2018 (IF:0.89) #J. ~Gonzalez-Dominguez, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[parSRA: A Portable Framework for the Parallel Execution of Short Read Aligners on Compute Clusters|https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2017.01.008]]//; ''Journal of Computational Science'', 25:134-139, 2018 (IF: 1.75) !!Conferences #R. Leißa, K. Boesche, S. Hack, A. ~Pérard-Gayot, R. Membarth, P. Slusallek, A. Müller, __B. Schmidt__: //[[AnyDSL: A Partial Evaluation Framework for Programming High-Performance Libraries|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3276489]] //, ''OOPSLA 2018'' (acceptance rate: 28%) __(~HiPEAC 2018 Paper Award)__ #R. Kobus, A. Lamoth, A. Müller, C. Hundt, S. Kramer, __B. Schmidt__: //[[cuBool: Bit-Parallel Boolean Matrix Factorization on CUDA-enabled Accelerators|https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8644574]]//, ''IEEE ICPADS 2018'', pp. 465-472. #D. Jünger, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[WarpDrive: Massively Parallel Hashing on Multi-GPU Nodes|http://conferences.computer.org/ipdps/2018/pdfs/IPDPS2018-5VSythB7YnaJ5neRqoXtoW/FSUsYvOeVJbnZ8xqRUt7U/5S4qlxxAJcMBQFvr9FxJ7w.pdf]]//, ''IEEE IPDPS 2018'', 441-450 (This is one of the top 8% papers (= 38/461), which have been directly accepted in the first round of the review process.) #A. Weißenberger, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Massively Parallel Huffman Decoding on GPUs|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3225076]]//. ''ICPP 2018'', 27:1-27:10 (acceptance rate: 29%) #K. Xu, R. Kobus, Y. Chan, P. Gao, X. Meng, Y. Wei, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //[[SPECTR: Scalable Parallel Short Read Error Correction on Multi-core and Many-core Architectures|https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3225060]]//. ''ICPP 2018'', 39:1-39:10 (acceptance rate: 29%) !!Book Chapters #__B. Schmidt__, A. Hildebrandt: //Dedicated Bioinformatics Analysis Hardware//, in: Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Elsevier), to appear !__2017__ !!Textbook #__B. Schmidt__, J. ~Gonzalez-Dominguez, C. Hundt, M. Schlarb: ''//Parallel Programming - Concepts and Practice//'', Morgan Kaufmann (Elsevier), 2017, https://www.elsevier.com/books/parallel-programming/schmidt/978-0-12-849890-3, http://parallelprogrammingbook.org/ !!Journals # A. Müller, C. Hundt, A. Hildebrandt, T. Hankeln, __B. Schmidt__: //[[MetaCache: context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing|https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx520]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', 33(23):3740-3748, 2017 (IF: 7.31), #J. Schröder, A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__, A. Papenfuss: //[[CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events|https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-017-1760-3]] //, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 18(1): 346, 2017 (IF: 2.45) #__B. Schmidt__, A. Hildebrandt: //[[Next-Generation Sequencing: Big Data meets High Performance Computing|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359644617300582 ]]//, ''Drug Discovery Today'', 22(4), pp. 712-717. 2017 (IF: 5.63), #Y. Liu, F. Ripp, R. Koeppel, H. Schmidt, S. Hellmann, M. Weber, C. Krombholz, __B. Schmidt__, T. Hankeln: //[[AFS: identification and quantification of species composition by metagenomic sequencing|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw822]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', 33(9): 1396-1398, 2017 (IF: 7.31) #R. Kobus, C. Hundt, A. Müller, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Accelerating metagenomic read classification on CUDA-enabled GPUs|https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-1434-6]]//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 18:11, 2017 (IF: 2.44) #C. Hundt, M. Schlarb, __B. Schmidt__: //[[SAUCE: A web application for interactive teaching and learning of parallel programming|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743731517300060]] // ''Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)'', 105, pp. 163–173, 2017 (IF: 1.93) #S. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Peng, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu: //[[Mapping of Option Pricing Algorithms onto Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11227-017-1968-z]]//, ''The Journal of Supercomputing'', 73(9): 3715-3737, 2017 (IF: 1.33) #D. Jünger, C.Hundt, J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Speed and Accuracy Improvement of Higher-Order Epistasis Detection on CUDA-Enabled GPUs|https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10586-017-0938-9]]//, ''Cluster Computing'', 20(3): 1899-1908, 2017 (IF: 2.04) !!Conferences #X. Duan, K. Xu, Y. Chan, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, P. Balaji, W. Liu: //[[S-Aligner: Ultrascalable read mapping on Sunway Taihu Light|http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~balaji/pubs/2017/cluster/cluster17.s-aligner.pdf]]//, pp. 36-46, ''IEEE CLUSTER 2017'' (acceptance rate: 21.8%) #H. Lan, W. Liu, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[SWhybrid: A Hybrid Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Protein Sequence Database Search|https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/ipdps/2017/3914/00/07967094.pdf]]//, ''IEEE IPDPS 2017'', pp. 42-51, 2017 (acceptance rate: 22.8%) #Y. Chan, K. Xu, H. Lan, W. Liu, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[PUNAS: A Parallel Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for Next-Generation Sequencing Read Alignment|https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/ipdps/2017/3914/00/07967095.pdf]]//, ''IEEE IPDPS 2017'', pp. 52-61, 2017 (acceptance rate: 22.8%) #S. Peng, X: Zhang, S. Yang, W. Su, Z. Zhang, D. Dong, K. Lu, Y. Lu, X. Liao, __B. Schmidt__, W. Zhu, K.C. Li : //[[mD3DOCKxb: An Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Coordinated Virtual Screening Framework|http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3101112.3101206]]//, ''IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2017'', pp. 671-676, 2017 !!Preprints #H. Winther, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, C. Czerner, J. Bauersachs, F. Wacker, J. ~Vogel-Claussen: //''ν-net: Deep Learning for Generalized Biventricular Cardiac Mass and Function Parameters''//, [[arXiv:1706.04397|https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04397]], 2017 !!Book Chapters #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //CUSHAW Suite: parallel and efficient algorithms for next generation sequencing read alignment//. in: Algorithms for ~Next-Generations Sequencing Data: Techniques, Approaches and Applications, Springer, 2017, in: Algorithms for Next Generation Sequencing Data. !__2016__ !!Journals #J. ~Gonzalez-Dominguez, Y. Liu, J. Tourino, __B. Schmidt__: //[[MSAProbs-MPI: parallel multiple sequence aligner for distributed-memory systems|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/32/24/3826/2525670/MSAProbs-MPI-parallel-multiple-sequence-aligner]]//, ''Bioinformatics '', 32(24):3826-3828 (IF: 5.76) #C. Hundt, A. Hildebrandt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[rapidGSEA: Speeding up gene set enrichment analysis on multi-core CPUs and CUDA-enabled GPUs|https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-1244-x]]//. ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 17:394, 2016 (IF: 2.58) #J. Shao, Q. Yang, H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__, S. Kramer: //[[Scalable Clustering by Iterative Partitioning and Point Attractor Representations|http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2934688]]//, ''ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)'', 11(1):5, 2016 (IF: 1.147) #J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__: // [[ParDRe: Faster Parallel Duplicated Reads Removal Tool for Sequencing Studies|https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw038]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', 32(10):1562-4, 2016 (IF: 4.98) #Z. Zheng, X. Wei, A. Hildebrandt, __B. Schmidt__: //[[A computational method for studying the relation between alternative splicing and DNA methylation|https://academic.oup.com/nar/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/nar/gkv906]]//, ''Nucleic Acids Research'', 44 (2): e19, 2016 (IF: 9.11) #J. ~González-Domínguez, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Parallel and scalable short-read alignment on multi-core clusters using UPC++|http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0145490]]//, ''PLOS One'', 11(1), 2016 (IF: 3.23) #J. ~González-Domínguez, J, S. Ramos, J. Touriño, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Parallel Pairwise Epistasis Detection on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7165657/]]//, ''IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems'', 27(8):2329-2340, 2016 (IF: 2.17) #T.T. Tran, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Bit-parallel approximate pattern matching: Kepler GPU versus Xeon Phi|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167819115001477]]//, ''Parallel Computing'', 54:128-138, 2016 (IF: 1.51) #H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__, A. Hildebrandt, T.T Tran, A.K. Hildebrandt: //[[CUDA-enabled Hierarchical Ward Clustering of Protein Structures based on the Nearest Neighbour Chain Algorithm|http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1094342015597988]]//, ''International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications'', 30(2): 200-211, 2016 (IF: 1.63) #Y. Liu, T. Hankeln, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Parallel and space-efficient construction of Burrows-Wheeler transform and suffix array for big genome data|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7102734/]]//, ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'', 13(3):592-598, 2016 (IF: 1.536) #Y. Liu, M. Loewer, S. Aluru, __B. Schmidt__: //[[SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic single-nucleotide and indel mutations|https://bmcsystbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12918-016-0300-5]]//, ''BMC Systems Biology '' 10(S2): 47, 2016 (IF: 2.43) #H. Lan, Y. Chan, K. Xu, __B. Schmidt__, S. Peng, W. Liu: //[[Parallel algorithms for large-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters|https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-1128-0]]//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 17(S-9): 267, 2016 (IF: 2.58) !!Conferences #J.C. Kaessens, L. Wienbrandt, J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, //[[Combining GPU and FPGA Technology for Efficient Exhaustive Interaction Analysis in GWAS|http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7760788/]]//, ''27th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (IEEE ASAP 2016)'', 2016 #D. Jünger,, C. Hundt, J. J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__: //[[Ultra-fast Detection of Hgher Order Epistatic Interactions on GPUs|https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-58943-5_34]]//, ''~EuroPar 2016 Workshops (~PBio)'', Springer, LNCS, Vol. 10104, 2016 !2015 !!Journals #T. Nguyen, Z. Zheng, __B. Schmidt__, C.K. Kwoh: //Efficient and Accurate OTU Clustering with ~GPU-based Sequence Alignment and Dynamic Dendrogram Cutting//, ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'', 12(5), 2015 (IF: 1.536) #J. ~González-Domínguez, L. Wienbrandt, J. Kaessens, D. Ellinghaus, M. Schimmler, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallelizing Epistasis Detection in GWAS on FPGA and ~GPU-accelerated Computing Systems//. ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'', 12(5), 2015 (IF: 1.536) #J.A. Gómez Pulido, __B. Schmidt__, W. Feng: //Accelerating Bioinformatics Applications via Emerging Parallel Computing Systems//, ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'', 12(5), 2015 (IF: 1.536) #J. ~González-Domínguez, J.C. Kaessens, L. Wienbrandt, __B. Schmidt__, //~Large-Scale ~Genome-Wide Association Studies on a GPU Cluster Using a ~CUDA-Accelerated PGAS Programming Model//, ''International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications'', 29(4), pp. 506-510 (IF: 1.63) #J.C. Kaessens, L. Wienbrandt, J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, //~High-Speed Exhaustive 3-locus Interaction Epistasis Analysis on ~FPGAs//, ''Journal of Computational Science'', 9, pp. 131-136 (IF:1.57) #J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__, //~GPU-Accelerated Exhaustive Search for ~Third-Order Epistatic Interactions in ~Case-Control Studies//, ''Journal of Computational Science'', Vol. 8, pp. 93-100, 2015 (IF: 1.57) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //GSWABE: faster ~GPU-accelerated sequence alignment with optimal alignment retrieval for short DNA sequences//, ''Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience'', 2015 (IF: 0.78) !!Conferences #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__://~LightSpMV: faster ~CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication on ~CUDA-enabled ~GPUs//, ''26th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (IEEE ASAP 2015)'', pp. 82-89, 2015 (acceptance rate 24.7%) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/BestPaperAward.png" width="150"> </html> #Y. Liu, M. Löwer, S. Aluru, __B. Schmidt__: //~SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic ~SNVs based on Bayesian models//, ''2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2015)'',pp. 83-90, 2015 (acceptance rate; 19%) #H. Lan, W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, B. Wang: //Accelerating large-scale biological database search on Xeon Phi-based neo-heterogeneous architectures//,. ''2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2015)'',pp. 503-510, 2015 (acceptance rate; 19%) #M. Schlarb, C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__: //SAUCE: A Web-based Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Parallel Programming//, ''~EuroPar 2015 Workshops (~Euro-EduPar)'', Springer, LNCS 9523, pp. 54-65', 2015 !!Book Chapters #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Many-core implementation of pairwise DNA sequence alignment//, in ''High Performance Parallelism Pearls Volume 2 - Multicore and Many-core Programming Approaches'', edited by James Reinders and Jim Jeffers, Morgan Kaufman, pp. 43-54, 2015 !2014 !!Journals #F. Ripp, C. Krombholz, Y. Liu, M. Weber, A. Schäfer, __B. Schmidt__, R. Köppel, T. Hankeln: //~All-Food-Seq (AFS): a quantifiable screen for species in biological samples by deep DNA sequencing//. ''BMC Genomics'' 15:639, 2014 (IF: 4.40) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #A. Wirawan, R. Harris, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, J. Schroeder: //HECTOR: A parallel multistage homopolymer spectrum based error corrector for 454 sequencing data//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 15:131, 2014 (IF 3.02) #Y. Liu, B. Popp, __B. Schmidt__: //~CUSHAW3: sensitive and accurate base-space and color-space short-read alignment with hybrid seeding//. ''PLOS ONE'' 9(1):e86869, 2014 (IF: 3.73) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //~CUSHAW2-GPU: empowering faster gapped short-read alignment using GPU computing//. ''IEEE Design & Test of Computers'' 31(1):31-39, 2014 (IF: 1.62) #F. Staib, M. Krupp, T. Maass, T. Itzel, A. Weinmann, J. Lee, __B. Schmidt__, M. Müller, S. Thorgeirsson, P.Galle, A. Teufel: //~CellMinerHCC: a microarray-based expression database for hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines//. ''Liver International'' 34(4):621-631, 2014 (IF: 4.41) !!Conferences #C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, E. Schoemer: //~CUDA-Accelerated Alignment of Subsequences in Streamed Time Series Data//. ''ICPP 2014'', pp- 10-19, IEEE Press, 2014 #T.D. Nguyen, __B. Schmidt__, C.K. Kwoh: //Fast ~Dendrogram-based OTU Clustering using Sequence Embedding//, ''ACM BCB 2014'', ACM Press, pp. 63-72, 2014 (acceptance rate; 28%) #T. Tran, S. Schindel, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //~Bit-Parallel approximate pattern matching on the Xeon Phi coprocessor//. ''~SBAC-PAD 2014'', pp. 81-88, IEEE Press 2014 #J.C. Kässens, J. ~González-Domínguez, L. Wienbrandt, __B. Schmidt__: //UPC++ for Bioinformatics: A Case Study Using ~Genome-Wide Association Studies//. ''CLUSTER 2014'', pp. 248-256, IEEE Press, 2014 (acceptance rate; 23.8%) #Y. Liu, T. Tran, F. Lauenroth, __B. Schmidt__: //~SWAPHI-LS: ~Smith-Waterman Algorithm on Xeon Phi Coprocessors for Long DNA Sequences//. ''CLUSTER 2014'', pp. 257-265, IEEE Press, 2014 (acceptance rate; 23.8%) #J. ~González-Domínguez, __B. Schmidt__, J.C. Kaessens, L. Wienbrandt: //Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS//. ''~Euro-Par 2014'', Springer LNCS 8632, 680-691, 2014 #T.D. Nguyen, __B. Schmidt__, C.K. Kwoh: //~SparseHC: A Memory-efficient Online Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm//. ''ICCS 2014'', Procedia Computer Science 29:8-19, 2014 #L. Wienbrandt, J.C. Kaessens, J. ~González-Domínguez, B. Schmidt, D. Ellinghaus, M. Schimmler: //~FPGA-based Acceleration of Detecting Statistical Epistasis in GWAS//. ''ICCS 2014'', Procedia Computer Science 29:220-230, 2014 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //SWAPHI: ~Smith-Waterman protein database search on Xeon Phi coprocessors//. ''IEEE ASAP 2014'', IEEE Press, pp. 184-185, 2014 #C. Hundt, __B. Schmidt__, E. Schömer, H. Göttler, H.V. Dang: //GEM: an elastic and translation-invariant similarity measure with automatic trend adjustment//. ''ACM SAC 2014'', ACM Press, pp. 105-112, 2014 #H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__, A. Hildebrandt, A.K. Hildebrandt: //Parallelized Clustering of Protein Structures on ~CUDA-Enabled ~GPUs//. ''PDP 2014'', IEEE Press, pp. 1-8, 2014 !!Book Chapters #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Multiple protein sequence alignment with ~MSAProbs//, in ''Multiple Sequence Alignment Methods'', Springer, 2014 !2013 !!Journals #H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__: //~CUDA-enabled Sparse ~Matrix-Vector Multiplication on ~GPUs using atomic operations//. ''Parallel Computing'' 39(11):737-750, 2013 (IF: 1.89) #Y. Liu, A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__: //CUDASW++ 3.0: accelerating ~Smith-Waterman protein database search by coupling CPU and GPU SIMD instructions//. ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 14:117, 2013 (IF: 3.02) #Y. Chen, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //A hybrid short read mapping accelerator//. ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 14:67, 2013 (IF: 3.02) #Y. Liu, J. Schröder, __B. Schmidt__: //Musket: a multistage k-mer spectrum based error corrector for Illumina sequence data//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2013 (IF: 5.468) #Y. Chen, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //A Reconfigurable Accelerator for the Word Matching Stage of BLASTN//, ''IEEE Transactions on VLSI'', 21(4), pp. 659-669, 2013 (IF: 0.904) !!Conferences #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Faster ~GPU-accelerated ~Smith-Waterman algorithm with alignment backtracking for short DNA sequences//. ''PPAM 2013'', Springer LNCS 8385, pp. 247-257, 2013 !!Book Chapters #H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__: //Solving large sparse linear systems for integer factorization on ~GPUs//, in ''Designing scientific applications on ~GPUs'', CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, 2013 #T.D. Nguyen, __B. Schmidt__, Z. Zheng, C.K. Kwoh://~Large-Scale Clustering of Short Reads for Metagenomics on ~GPUs//, in ''Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining and Postprocessing of Biological Data'', Wiley, 2013 !2012 !!Journals #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2012, 28(18): i318–i324 (IF: 5.468) #Z. Zheng, S. Kramer, __B. Schmidt__: //~DySC: Software for Greedy Clustering of 16S rRNA Reads//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2012, 28 (16): 2182-2183 (IF: 5.468) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //[[CUSHAW: a CUDA compatible short read aligner to large genomes based on the ~Burrows-Wheeler transform|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/05/09/bioinformatics.bts276.abstract]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', (2012) 28(14): 1830-1837 (IF: 5.468) #__B. Schmidt__, H. Aribowo, H.V. Dang: //Iterative Sparse ~Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Accelerating the Block Wiedemann Algorithm over GF(2) on ~Multi-GPU Systems//, ''Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience'', 2012, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.2896 (IF: 0.907) !!Conferences #Y. Chen, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //An FPGA aligner for short read mapping//, 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (''FPL 2012''), Oslo, Norway, pp. 511-514, 2012 #H.V. Dang, __B. Schmidt__: //The Sliced COO format for Sparse ~Matrix-Vector Multiplication on ~CUDA-enabled ~GPUs//, ''ICCS 2012'', Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 9, pp. 57–66, Omaha, Nebraska, 2012 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Evaluation of ~GPU-based seed generation for computational genomics using ~Burrows-Wheeler transform//, 11th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2012''), Shanghai, China, 2012 !2011 !!Journals #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Parallelized short read assembly of large genomes using de Bruijn graphs//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 12:354, 2011 (IF: 3.43) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~CUDA-BLASTP: Accelerating BLASTP on ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Hardware//, ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'' 8(6):1678-1684, 2011 (IF: 2.246) #H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Parallel Mutual Information Estimation for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks on ~GPUs//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 4:189, 2011 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //~DecGPU: distributed error correction on massively parallel graphics processing units using CUDA and MPI//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 12:85, 2011 (IF: 3.43) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #L. Kuttippurathu, M Hsing, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell, K. Lee, A. He, W.T. Pu, S.W. Kong: //~CompleteMOTIFs: DNA motif discovery platform for transcription factor binding experiments//, ''Bioinformatics'' 27(5):715-717, 2011 (IF: 4.926) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/cmotif.gif" width="120" > </html> !!Conferences #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, Y. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Mapping of the BLASTP Algorithm onto GPU Clusters//, 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (''IEEE ICPADS 2011''), Tainan, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 236-243, 2011 #Z. Zheng, T.D. Nguyen, __B. Schmidt__: //~CRiSPy-CUDA: Computing Species Richness in 16S rRNA Pyrosequencing Datasets with CUDA//, 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (''PRIB 2011''), Deft, Netherlands, Springer LNCS 7036, pp. 37-49, 2011 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Aribowo, H.V. Dang: //Iterative Sparse ~Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Integer Factorization on ~GPUs//, ''~Euro-Par 2011'', Bordeaux, France, Springer LNCS 6853, 413-424, 2011 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //An ultrafast scalable many-core motif discovery algorithm for multiple ~GPUs//, 10th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2011''), Anchorage, Alaska, 2011 !!Book Chapters #L. Ligowski, W. Rudnicki, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Accurate scanning of sequence databases with the ~Smith-Waterman algorithm//, in ''GPU Comuting Gems'', Emerald Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 #M. Giraud, __B. Schmidt__, S. Janot, J.S. Varre: //Many-core high-performance computing in Bioinformatics//, in ''Advances in Genomic Sequence Analysis and Pattern Discovery'', World Scientific, 2011 !!Proceedings #S. Aluru, S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Catalyurek, D. Dubhashi, P. Jones, M. Parashar, __B. Schmidt__: Contemporary Computing: 4th International Conference (~IC3 2011), Springer, CCIS Series, 2011 !!2010 and older !!Books #__B. Schmidt__: [[Bioinformatics: High Performance Parallel Computer Architectures, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press|http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439814888 <a href="javascript:" cref="CitaviPicker9781439814888"><img style="border: 0px none;" src="" alt="Pick It!" title="Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen"></a> ]], July 2010 !!Journals #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //~MSAProbs: multiple sequence alignment based on pair hidden Markov models and partition function posterior probabilities//, ''Bioinformatics'' 26(16):1958-1964, 2010 (IF: 4.926) #A. Wirawan, C.K. Kwoh, __B. Schmidt__: //Multi Threaded Vectorized Distance Matrix Computation on the Cell/BE and x86/~SSE2 Architectures//, ''Bioinformatics'' 26(10): 1368-1369, 2010 (IF: 4.926) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell://CUDASW++2.0: enhanced ~Smith-Waterman protein database search on ~CUDA-enabled ~GPUs based on SIMT and virtualized SIMD abstractions//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 3:93, 2010 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //A Parallel Algorithm for Error Correction in ~High-Throughput ~Short-Read Data on ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Hardware//, ''Journal of Computational Biology'' 17(4):603-615, 2010 (IF: 1.563) #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, D. Maskell: //~CUDA-MEME: Accelerating Motif Discovery in Biological Sequences Using ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Processing Units//, ''Pattern Recognition Letters'' 31(14):2170 - 2177, 2010 (IF: 1.559) #J. Schroder, H. Schroder, S. Puglisi, R. Sinha, __B. Schmidt__: //SHREC: A short-read error correction method//, ''Bioinformatics'' 25(17):2157-2163, 2009 (IF: 4.926) #__B. Schmidt__, R. Sinha, B. ~Beresford-Smith, S. Puglisi: //A Fast Hybrid Short Read Fragment Assembly Algorithm//, ''Bioinformatics'' 25(17),2279-2280, 2009 (IF: 4.926) [[A Practical Comparison of De Novo Genome Assembly Software Tools for Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies|http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0017915]] and [[Scoring-and-unfolding trimmed tree assembler: concepts, constructs and comparisons|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/2/153.full]] have both ranked this algorithm (Taipan) as the ''best performing assembler'' for small genomes #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, Y. Jacop, D. Maskell: //~High-Speed Biological Sequence Analysis with Hidden Markov Models on Reconfigurable Platforms//, ''IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine'' 13(5): 740-746, 2009 (IF: 1.939) #Y. Liu, D. Maskell, __B. Schmidt__: //CUDASW++: optimizing ~Smith-Waterman sequence database searches for ~CUDA-enabled graphics processing units//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 2:73, 2009 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> [[Ranked 3rd in all-time most viewed articles|http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcresnotes/mostviewedalltime/]] #A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__, H. Zhang, C.K. Kwoh: //High Performance Protein Sequence Database Scanning on the Cell B.E. Processor//, ''Scientific Programming'' 17(1-2):97-111, 2009 #A. Wirawan, C.K. Kwoh, T.H. Nim, __B. Schmidt__: //CBESW: Sequence Alignment on the Playstation 3//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 9:377, 2008 (IF: 3.781) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #T. Oliver, Y.Y. Leow, __B. Schmidt__: //Integrating FPGA Acceleration into ~HMMer//, ''Parallel Computing'' 34(11):681-691, 2008 (IF: 1.309) #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, G. Voss, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Accelerating Molecular Dynamics simulations using Graphics Processing Units with CUDA//, ''Computer Physics Communications'' 179(9):634-641, 2008 (IF: 2.120) #D.T. Singh, R.Trehan, __B. Schmidt__, T. Bretschneider: //Comparative Phyloinformatics of Virus Genes at Micro and Macro Levels in a Distributed Computing Environments//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 9:S23, 2008 (IF: 3.781) #A. Singh, C. Chen, W. Liu, W. Mitchell, __B. Schmidt__: //A Hybrid Computational Grid Architecture for Comparative Genomics//, ''IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine'' 12(2):218-225, 2008 (IF: 1.939) #M. Rajapakse, __B. Schmidt__, F. Lin, V. Brusic: //Predicting peptides binding to MHC class II molecules using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 8:459, 2007 (IF: 3.781) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, G. Voss, W. ~Müller-Wittig, //Streaming Algorithms for Biological Sequence Alignment on ~GPUs//, ''IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems'' 18(9):1270-1281, 2007 (IF: 1.916) #F. Lin,, H. Schröder, '__B. Schmidt'__: //Solving the Bottleneck Problem in Bioinformatics Computing: an Architectural Perspective//, ''Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems'' 48(3):185-188, 2007 (IF: 0.779) #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Performance Analysis of ~General-Purpose Computation on Commodity Graphics Hardware: A Case Study Using Bioinformatics//, ''Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems'' 48(3):209-221, 2007 (IF: 0.779) #J.P. Walters, X. Meng, V. Chaudhary T. Oliver, Y.Y Leow, __B. Schmidt__, D. Nathan J. Landman: //~MPI-HMMER-Boost: Distributed FPGA Acceleration//, ''Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems'' 48(3):223-238, 2007 (IF: 0.779) #__B. Schmidt__: //A Survey of Desktop Grid Applications for ~E-Science//, ''International Journal of Web and Grid Services'' 3(3):354-368, 2007 #M. Schimmler, __B. Schmidt__, H.-W. Lang, S. Heithecker: //An ~Area-Efficient ~Bit-Serial Integer and GF(2n) Multiplier//, ''Microelectronic Engineering'', 82(2):253-259, 2007. (IF: 1.583) #M. Rajapakse, G.L. Zhang, K.N. Srinivasan, __B. Schmidt__, N. Petrovsky, V. Brusic: //PREDNOD, a prediction server for peptide binding to the H-2g7 haplotype of the nonobese diabetic mouse//, ''Autoimmunity'' 39(8):645-650, 2006 (IF: 2.525) #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //Constructing Large Suffix Trees on a Computational Grid//, ''Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing'' 66(12):1512-1523, 2006 (IF: 1.168) #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //A Parallel Pattern-based System for High Performance Computational Biology//, ''IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems'', 17(8):750-763, 2006 (IF: 1.916) #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell, D. Nathan, R. Clemens: //~High-speed multiple sequence alignment on a reconfigurable platform// ''International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications'' 2(4):394-406, 2006 #Z. Du, F. Lin, __B. Schmidt__: //Accomplishments and Challenges in High Performance Computing for Computational Biology//, ''Current Bioinformatics'' 1(2):185-195, 2006 (IF: 1.255) #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Mapping of Hierarchical Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Protein Folding onto Computational Grids//, ''IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems'' ~E89-D(2):589-596, 2006 (IF: 0.369) #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Nathan, R. Clemens, D. Maskell: //Using reconfigurable hardware to accelerate multiple sequence alignment with ~ClustalW//, ''Bioinformatics'' 21(16):3431-3432, 2005 (IF: 4.328) #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Reconfigurable Architectures for ~Bio-sequence Database Scanning on ~FPGAs//, ''IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II'' 52(12):851-855, 2005 (IF: 1.436) #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //An Adaptive Grid Implementation of DNA Sequence Alignment// ''Future Generation Computer Systems'', 21(7):988-1003, 2005 (IF: 1.476) #T. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallel RNA Secondary Structure Prediction using Stochastic ~Context-Free Grammars//, ''Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience'' 17(14):1669-85, 2005 (IF: 1.791) #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler: //A ~Bit-Serial ~Floating-Point Unit for a massively parallel system on a chip//, ''Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Architectures'' 19(2-3):79-96, 2004 #__B. Schmidt__, F. Lin, A. Laud, Y. Santoso: //Development of Distributed Bioinformatics Applications with GMP//, ''Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience'' 16:945-959, 2004 (IF: 1.791) #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, M. Schimmler: //A hybrid architecture for bioinformatics//, ''Future Generation Computer Systems'', 18:855-862, 2002 (IF: 1.476) #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder: //A hybrid Architecture for Multimedia Processors//, ''Computing and Informatics'' 20(9):225-244, 2001 (IF: 0.492) #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, H. Schröder: //Tomographic Image Reconstruction on the Instruction Systolic Array//, ''Computing and Informatics'' 20(1):27-42, 2001 (IF: 0.492) #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler: //KPROC - An Instruction Systolic Architecture for Parallel Prefix Applications//, ''Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices'' 3(2), 2000 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, M. Schimmler: //A Morphological Approach to Hough Transform on the Instruction Systolic Array//, ''Computers and Artificial Intelligence'' 18(6):541-557, 1999 (IF: 0.492) !!Conferences #Z. Zheng, G. Bourque, __B. Schmidt__: //Prediction of Low Coverage Prone Regions for Illumina Sequencing Projects using a Support Vector Machine//, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (''IEEE BIBM 2010''), Hong Kong, IEEE Press, 2010 #H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~Quality-Score Guided Error Correction for ~Short-Read Sequencing Data using CUDA//, The International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (''ICCS 2010''), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Procedia 1(1):1123-1132, 2010 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D.L. Maskell: //~MSA-CUDA: "Multiple Sequence Alignment on Graphics Processing Units with CUDA//, 20th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (''ASAP 2009''), Boston, MA, IEEE Press, 121-128, 2009 (''//BEST PAPER AWARD//'') #A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__, C.K. Kwoh: //Pairwise Distance Matrix Computation for Multiple Sequence Alignment on the Cell Broadband Engine//, The International Conference on Computational Science 2009 (''ICCS 2009''), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Springer, LNCS 5544, 962-971, 2009 #H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, K. ~Müller-Wittig: //Accelerating Error Correction in ~High-Throughput ~Short-Read DNA Sequencing Data with CUDA//, 8th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2009''), Rome, Italy, IEEE Press, 2009 #Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Parallel Reconstruction of ~Neighbor-Joining Trees for Large Multiple Sequence Alignments using CUDA//, 8th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2009''), Rome, Italy, IEEE Press, 2009 #Y. Chen, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //A Reconfigurable Bloom Filter Architecture for BLASTN//, 22nd International Conference on Architectures of Computing Systems (''ARCS 2009''), Delft, Netherlands, Springer, LNCS 5455, 40-49, 2009 #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~GPU-MEME: Using Graphics Hardware to Accelerate Motif Finding in DNA Seqeunces//, ''PRIB 2008'', Melbourne, Australia, Springer, LNCS Vol. 5265, 448-459, 2008. #H. Zhang, __B. Schmidt__, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Accelerating BLASTP on the Cell Broadband Engines//, ''PRIB 2008'', Melbourne, Australia, Springer, LNCS 5265, 460-470, 2008. #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, G.Voss, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Commodity ~GPUs With CUDA//, 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (''~HiPC 2007''), Goa, India, Springer, LNCS 4873, 2007 #M.Y.H. Low, W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //A Parallel BSP Algorithm for Irregular Dynamic Programming//, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (''APPT 2007''), Springer, LNCS 4847, 151-160, 2007 #A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__, C.K. Kwoh: //Parallel DNA Sequence Alignment on the Cell Broadband Engine//,7th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (''PPAM 2007''), Gdansk, Poland, Springer, LNCS 4967, 1249-1256, 2008 #L.A. Aung, D. Maskell, T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__: //~C-based Design Methodology for ~FPGA Implementation of ~ClustalW MSA//, ''PRIB 2007'', Singapore, Springer LNCS 4774, pp. 11-18, 2007 #R. Trehan, D.T. Singh, __B. Schmidt__: //Phylogenetic Analysis of Neuraminidase Genes of ~H5N1 Isolates using HPC technologies//, 9th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (''IEEE Healthcom 2007''), IEEE Press, 285-288, 2007 #C. Chen, A. Singh, W. Mitchell, __B. Schmidt__: //Phenotype Genotype Exploration on a Desktop GPU Grid//, 3rd International Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications, World Scientific, 154-165, 2007 #W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig, B. Schmidt: //Performance Predictions for ~General-Purpose Computation on ~GPUs//, International Conference on Parallel Processing (''ICPP 2007''), ~XiAn, China, IEEE Press, 2007 #T. Oliver, Y.Y. Leow, __B. Schmidt__: //High Performance Database Searching with ~HMMer on ~FPGAs//, 6th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2007''), Long Beach, CA, IEEE Press, 2007. #J. Feng, S. Chakraborty, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, U.D. Bordoloi: //Fast Schedulability Analysis Using Commodity Graphics Hardware//, 13th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and ~Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (''RTCSA 2007''), IEEE Press, 400-408, 2007 #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, G. Voss, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~GPU-ClustalW: Using Graphics Hardware to Accelerate Multiple Sequence Alignment//, 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (''~HiPC 2006''), Bangalore, India, Springer, LNCS 4297, pp. 363-374, 2006. #A. Wirawan, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallel Discovery of Transcription Factor Binding Sites//, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (''APCCAS 2006''), Singapore, IEEE Press, 2006 #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, J. Yanto, D. Maskell: //Accelerating the Viterbi Algorithm for Profile Hidden Markov Models using Reconfigurable Hardware//, International Conference on Computational Science (''ICCS 2006''), Reading, UK, Springer LNCS 3991, 522-529, 2006 #M. Rajapakse, __B. Schmidt__, V. Brusic: //~Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Discovering Peptide Binding Motifs//, 4th European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (''~EvoBIO 2006''), Budapest, Hungary, Springer, LNCS 3907, 149-158, 2006 #W. Liu, B. Schmidt, G. Voss, A. Schröder, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~Bio-Sequence Database Scanning on a GPU//, 5th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2006''), Rhode Island, Greece, IEEE Press, 2006 #M. Rajapakse, __B. Schmidt__, V. Brusic: //~Pareto-Optimal Motif for Predicting Peptide Binders//, 16th International Conference on Genomic Informatics (''GIW 2005''), Yokohama, Japan, 2005 #G. Voss, A. Schröder, W. ~Müller-Wittig, B. Schmidt: //Using Graphics Hardware to Accelerate Biological Sequence Analysis//, ''IEEE Tencon 2005'', Melbourne, Australia, 2005 #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Mapping of Hierarchical Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Protein Folding onto Computational Grids//, ''IEEE Tencon 2005'', Melbourne, Australia, 2005. #J. Yanto, T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Biological Sequence Analysis with Hidden Markov Models on an FPGA//, 10th ~Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (''ACSAC 2005''), Singapore, Springer LNCS 3740, 2005. #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallel Construction of Large Suffix Trees on a PC Cluster//, ''~Euro-Par 2005'', Lisbon, Portugal, Springer LNCS 3648, 2005. #M. Rajapakse, L. Wyse, ''B. Schmidt'', V. Brusic: //Deriving Matrix of ~Peptide-MHC Interactions in Diabetic Mouse by Genetic Algorithm//, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (''IDEAL 2005''), Brisbane, Australia, Springer LNCS, 2005 #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Nathan, R. Clemens, D. Maskell: //Multiple Sequence Alignment on an FPGA//, 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (''ICPADS 2005''), IEEE Computer Society Press, Fukuoka, Japan, 2005 #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //A Case Study on Pattern-based Systems for High Performance Computational Biology//, 4th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2005''), Denver, CO, IEEE Press, 2005 #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Hyper Customized Processors for ~Bio-Sequence Database Scanning on ~FPGAs//, ''ACM FPGA 2005'', Monterrey, CA, 2005. #T. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Optimal local alignment in RNA secondary structures//, ''~BioMED 2005'', Innsbruck, Austria, 2005. #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //A Tunable ~Coarse-Grained Parallel Algorithm for Irregular Dynamic Programming Applications//, 11th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (''~HiPC 2004''), Bangalore, India, Springer LNCS 3296, 2004. #C.Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //Load Balancing for Hierarchical Grid Computing: A Case Study//, 11th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (''~HiPC 2004''), Bangalore, Springer, LNCS 3296, 2004. #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //A Generic Parallel Pattern-based System for Bioinformatics//, ''~Euro-Par 2004'', Pisa, Italy, Springer, LNCS 3149, 2004 #C.S.S. Tan, __B. Schmidt__: //Combining ~message-passing and ~inter-process communication in ~SMP-hybrid cluster for efficient parallel medical image analysis//, APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING XXVII, Denver, CO, SPIE 5558, 2004 #T. Oliver, __B. Schmidt__: //High Performance Biosequence Database Scanning on Reconfigurable Platforms//, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2004''), Santa Fe, NM, IEEE Press, 2004 #T. Liu, ___B. Schmidt__: //Parallel RNA ~Sequence-Structure Alignment//, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2004''), Santa Fe, NM, IEEE, 2004 #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //Performance Analysis of Computational Biology Applications on Hierarchical Grid Systems//, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (''~CCGrid 2004''), Chicago, IL, IEEE, 2004. #C. Chen, __B. Schmidt__: //Computing ~Large-Scale Alignments on a ~Multi-Cluster//, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (''Cluster 2003''), Hong Kong, 2003. #W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallel Design Pattern for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing//, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (''Cluster 2003''), Hong Kong, 2003 #M. Schimmler, __B. Schmidt__, S. Heithecker: //An ~Area-Efficient ~Bit-Serial Integer Multiplier//, The 2003 International Conference on VLSI (''VLSI 2003''), Las Vegas, NV, 2003 #M. Schimmler, __B. Schmidt__, H.-W. Lang: //Design of a ~Bit-serial ~Floating-Point Unit for a ~Fine-Grained Parallel Processor Array//, The 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (''PDPTA 2003''), Las Vegas, NV, 2003 #__B. Schmidt__, F. Lin, A. Laud, Y. Santoso: //Parallel Detection of Regulatory Elements with gMP//, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2003''), Nice, France, IEEE Press, 2003 #L. Wang, W. Cai, __B. Schmidt__, B.S. Lee, W. Jie: //Biogrid Computing Platform: Parallel computing for protein alignment analysis//, ''HPC Asia 2002'', Bangalore, India, 2002 #H. Schröder, __B. Schmidt__, J. Zhu: //A new approach to protein structure prediction//, The International Conference on Bioinformatics (''~InCoB 2002''), Bangkok, Thailand, 2002 #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, W. Adi: //Area efficient modular arithmetic for mobile security//, The 2002 International Conference on Wireless Networks (''ICWN 2002''), Las Vegas, NV, 2002 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, M. Schimmler: //Massively Parallel Solutions for Molecular Sequence Analysis//, IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2002''), Ft Lauderdale, FL, IEEE Press, 2002 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder: //Massively Parallel Sequence Analysis with Hidden Markov Models//, International Conference on Scientific & Engineering Computation (''~IC-SEC 2002''), Singapore, 2002 #L. Wang, W. Cai, __B. Schmidt__, B.S. Lee, W. Jie: //Replica Selection Framework for ~Bio-Grid Computing//, International Conference on Scientific & Engineering Computation (''~IC-SEC 2002''), Singapore, 2002 #H. Schröder, __B. Schmidt__: //Image Processing Algorithms for on-board Computing//, 3rd International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing (''ICICS 2001''), Singapore, 2001 #L.S. Chin, H. Schröder, __B. Schmidt__: //Parallel Volume Rendering using Slice Orientation//, 3rd International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing (''ICICS 2001''), Singapore 2001 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, M. Schimmler: //Protein Sequence Comparison on the Instruction Systolic Array//, 6th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (''~PaCT 2001''), Novosibirsk, Russia, Springer LNCS 2127, 2001 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, M. Schimmler: //Scanning Biosequence Databases on a Hybrid Parallel Architecture//, ''~Euro-Par 2001'', Manchester, UK, Springer LNCS 2150, 2001. #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder, T. Srikanthan: //A SIMD Solution to Biosequence Database Scanning//, Parallel Computing 2001 (''~ParCo 2001''), Naples, Italy, Imperial College Press, 2001. #L.S. Chin, __B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder: //Volume Rendering Using the Instruction Systolic Array Concept//, ~Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, 2001 #__B. Schmidt__: //Design of a Parallel Accelerator for Volume Rendering//, ''~Euro-Par 2000'', Munich, Germany, Springer LNCS 1900, 1095-1104, 2000. #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder: //Volume Visualisation on a Hybrid Parallel Architecture//, 7th Australasian Conference on Parallel and ~Real-Time Systems (''PART 2000''), Sydney, Australia, Springer, 2000. #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler: //A Parallel Accelerator Architecture for Multimedia Video Compression//, ''~Euro-Par 1999'', Toulouse, France, Springer LNCS 1685, 1999. #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, H. Schröder: //Long Operand Arithmetic on Instruction Systolic Computer Architectures and its Application for RSA Cryptography//, ''~Euro-Par 1998'', Southampton, UK, Springer LNCS 1470, 1998 #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, H. Schröder: //The Instruction Systolic Array in Tomographic Image Reconstruction Applications//, 5th Annual Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-time Systems (''PART 1998''), Adelaide, Australia, Springer, 1998 #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, H. Schröder: //Morphological Hough Transform on the Instruction Systolic Array//, ''~Euro-Par 1997'', Passau, Germany, Springer LNCS 1300, 1997 #U. Mahlmeister, __B. Schmidt__, G. Sommer: //Preattentive Colour Features by Steerable Filters//, 17th DAGM Symposium Pattern Recognition (''DAGM 1995''), Bielefeld, Germany, Springer, 1995 !!Proceedings #J. Rajapakse, __B. Schmidt__, G. Volkert, Proceedings of the 2nd IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2007), Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, Springer, LNCS Volume 4774, 2007 #F.K. Fuss, S. L. Chia, S.S. Venkatraman, S.M. Krishnan, __B. Schmidt__, Proceedings of the International Bioengineering Conference 2004 (IBEC 2004), Singapore 2004 !!Book Chapters #__B. Schmidt__, C. Chen, W. Liu, W. Mitchell: //~PheGee@Home: A Grid-based Tool for Comprative Genomics//, in ''Handbook of Research on Compuational Grid Technologies for Life Science, Biomedicine and Healthcare'', IGI Global, 2009 #__B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, C. Chen: //Hierarchical Grid Computing for High Performance Bioinformatics//, in ''Grids for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology'', Wiley & Sons, 2007 #__B. Schmidt__, H. Schröder: //~Special-Purpose Computing for Biological Sequence Analysis//, in ''Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology'', Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005 #__B. Schmidt__, M. Schimmler, H. Schröder: //~High-Speed Cryptography//, in ''Embedded Cryptographic Hardware: Methodologies & Architectures'', Nova Science Publishers, 2004
![[Linkedin Profile|https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertil-schmidt-4232a34/]] <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/in.png" width="32"> </html> !EDUCATION: !!Ph.D. in Computer Science <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/lulogo.gif" width="100"> </html> *1999, [[Loughborough University|http://www.lboro.ac.uk/]] *Thesis title: //Algorithm Design on the Instruction Systolic Array// *Advisor: [[Prof. Dr. Heiko Schröder|http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~heiko/]] !!~Diplom-Informatiker <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/cau.png" width="100"> </html> *1995, Major: Computer Science, Minor: Mathematics, [[Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel|http://www.uni-kiel.de/index-e.shtml]] *Award: ''//Best Degree in Computer Science in 1995//'' * Thesis advisor: [[Prof. Dr. Gerald Sommer|http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/inf/Sommer/]] !ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: !!Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/mainzlogo.gif" width="100"> </html> *07/2011 - present: Tenured Full Professor (W3) and Chair for Parallel and Distributed Systems, Insitut für Informatik *04/2014 - 03/2016: Head of Department (Computer Science) !!Nayang Technological University (NTU) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/ntu_logo2.jpg" width="100"> </html> *06/2008 - 06/2011: Associate Professor, School of Computer Engineering *05/2001 - 12/2006: Assistant Professor, School of Computer Engineering *09/1999 - 04/2001: Research Fellow, School of Computer Engineering !!University of Melbourne: <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/melb.jpg" width="100"> </html> *01/2008 - 06/2008: Senior Researcher, NICTA VRL !!University of New South Wales: <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/UNSW.jpg" width="100"> </html> *01/2007 - 08/2007: Associate Professor, Computer Engineering and Information Technology (Asia Campus) !!UNIVERSITY SERVICE *04/2014 - 03/2016: ''Head of Department (Computer Science)'' *08/2011 - present: University HPC Comittee Member *07/2010 - 06/2011: Course Lead in HPC Stream *11/2009 - 06/2011: Search Committee Member for Faculty Positions in High Performance Computing and Distributed Systems *01/2006 - 12/2006: Programme Director, M.Sc. in Bioinformatics *05/2003 - 05/2005: Deputy Director, ~BioMedical Engineering Research Center (BMERC) !INDUSTRIAL CONSULTATION *Progeniq Pte Ltd (Singapore): //BLAST on ~FPGAs//, //Speech Recognition on ~FPGAs//, //Ray Tracing on SGI RASC ~RC100//, //Development of biological sequence analysis applications on ~FPGAs// *Matrixview Ltd (Singapore): //Evaluation of computational platforms for real-time medical imaging compression// *Helixense Pte Ltd (Singapore): //Development of a software system for bioinformatics applications on PC clusters// *Siemens AG (Munich, Germany): //Design of an embedded system for H.263 video compression// *ISATEC ~GmbH (Kiel, Germany): //Parallelization of scientific computing applications on Systola1024 (image and signal processing, FFT, medical image reconstruction, cryptography, and multimedia video compression)// !AWARDS AND HONORS *Best Paper Award, 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2015), Toronto, Canada *NVIDIA Academic Partnership Award *CUDA Research Center (CRC) Award *GPU Computing Champion for the "Bioinformatics and Computational Biology" community on gpucomputing.net *Best Paper Award, 20th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2009), July, 7-9, 2009, Boston, MA *Award for the best degree in Computer Science at University of Kiel in 1995 *Nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award for contributions in teaching at Nanyang Technological University in 2005 *Best Paper Award "Systems Category", Fraunhofer Institute (IGD in Darmstadt) in 2007 *NVIDIA Professor Partnership Award !LIST OF PUBLICATIONS [[Publications]] !RESEARCH GRANTS: !!External Research Grants *//~HySim: Hybrid-parallel similarity search for the analysis of big genomic and proteomic data//. Source, Amount, Period:: €487.600 (2017-2020), Role: PI *//Metacca: Metaprogramming for Accelerators//, Source, Amount, Period: BMBF, €1.509.750 (2017-19) Role: PI *DAAD PPP China grant for exchange between JGU Mainz and Shandong University, 2016-17, Role: PI *//Competence Center for HPC in the Natural Sciences//, Source, Amount, Period: ~Carl-Zeiss-Foundation, €750.000 (2015-18) Role: Director & PI *//Development of a hybrid parallel architecture for Bioinformatics//, Source, Amount, Period: Ministry for Economic Affairs (~BMWi), €157.500 (2013-16) Role: PI *//Active and cooperative learning in HPC and parallel programming//, Source, Amount, Period: Gutenberg Teaching Council, €60.000 (2013-14) Role: PI *//CSM Mainz//. Source, Amount, Period: SRFN, €210,000 (2011-16) Role: PI *//Modeling, validation, and analysis of gene regulatory networks including delays//, Source: MOE Tier 2, Amount and Period: S$1,191,620 (2010-13), Role: ~Co-PI *//Development of Scalable Bioinformatics Algorithms and Tools for Emerging Sequencing Technologies//, Source: MOE Tier 1, Amount and Period: S$150,000 (2009-12), Role: PI *//NVIDIA Academic Paternership Award//, Source: NVIDIA, Amount and Period: US$25,000 (2010-11), Role: PI *//Amazon Cloud Computing Grant//, Source: Amazon, Period: 2010-11, Role: PI *//CUDA Research Center Award//, Period: 2010-11, Source: NVIDIA, Role: PI *//Scalable Algorithm Design for Emerging Parallel Architectures//, Source: ~MoD, Period and Amount: 2010-11, S$135,000 Role: PI *//NVIDIA Professor Partnership Award//, Source: NVIDIA, Amount and Period: US$25,000 (2008-09), Role: PI *//Dynamic Reconfigurable Computing: The next generation high performance computing platform for embedded applications//, Source: MOE Tier 2, Amount and Period: S$527,695 (2007-10), Role: ~Co-PI *//Development of a Grid System with Applications to ~Large-Scale Bio and Nanomaterial-systems//, Source: A*Star, Amount and Period: S$297,145 (2005-08), Role: PI *//Hybrid Computing//, Source: ISAVISION ~GmbH, Amount and Period: S$200,000 (2000-2003), Role: PI !!University Research Grants: *//Algorithms and Architectures for Emerging High Performance Computing Applications//, Source: Group Seed Funding Scheme Award (UNSW), Amount: S$80,000 (2007-08), Role: PI *//Using a ~PlayStation3 Cluster for Biological Sequence Analysis//, Source: Small Research Grant Award (UNSW), Amount: S$9,000 (2007-08), Role: PI *//GPGPU Grid//, Source: NTU Office of Research (2005-06), Amount: S$16,000, Role:PI *//Ph.D. scholarships//, Source: NTU, Amount and Period: approx. S$100,000 (2005-10), Role: Supervisor *//DNA Chip Design Program//, Source: ~ER-Lab Research Program Grant, NTU, Amount and Period: S$40,000 (2005-07), Role: ~Co-PI !PROFESSIONAL SERVICE !!Professional Associations *Senior Member, IEEE and IEEE Computer Society !!Journal Editorial Boards *Associate Editor, JPDC (Elsevier) *Associate Editor, BMC Research Notes (~BioMed Central) *Editoral Board Member, Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier) *Editor for Life Sciences, GPU Computing Gems (NVIDIA) *Guest Editor, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2015 *Guest Editor, Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier), Special Issue on Bioinformatics, Vol. 31, No. 14, 2010 *Guest Editor, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems (Springer), Special Issue on Computing Architectures and Acceleration for Bioinformatics Algorithms, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2007 *Guest Editor, International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Special Issue on Selected paper from ~CCGrid Workshop on Grid Testbeds, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2007 !!Organizing Committees *Track Chair, ~Euro-Par 2017 *Program ~Vice-Chair (Applications), IEEE ~HiPC 2015 *Workshop Chair: PBC 2013 & PBC 2015 (held at PPAM 2013 & PPAM 2015) *Program ~Vice-Chair, //IEEE ICPADS 2012//, Singapore, December 2012 *Program Chair, Applications Track, //Fourth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (~IC3-2011)//, NOIDA, India August, 2011 *Workshop Chair: //Workshop on using Emerging Parallel Architectures (WEPA)//, held at the ICCS 2009, 2010, 2011 *Workshop ~Co-chair: //Parallel Programming and Applications on Accelerator Clusters (PPAAC 2010)//, held at IEEE Cluster 2010, Heraklion, Greece, Sep 20-24, 2010 *Program Chair, //7th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (~HiCOMB 2008)//, Miami, FL, 2008 *Program ~Co-Chair, //2nd IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2007)//, Singapore, 2007 *Technical ~Co-Chair, //3rd IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2008)//, Melbourne, Australia, 2008 *Workshop Organizer, //International Workshop on Grid Testbeds//, held at ACM/IEEE ~CCGrid 2006, Singapore, May, 16-19, 2006 *Workshops Chair, //6th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (~CCGrid 2006)//, Singapore, May 16-19, 2006. *Program ~Vice-Chair, //7th ~NTU-SGH Symposium//, Singapore, August 11-12, 2005 *Cyberchair, //11th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (~HiPC 2004)//, Bangalore, India, December 19-22, 2004 *Publicity Chair, //The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2004)//, San Diego, CA, September 20-23, 2004 *Topic ~Vice-Chair, //~Euro-Par 2003//, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 26-29, 2003 !!Program Committee Memberships *International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 *IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS): 2007, 2015 *IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biolog (~HiCOMB): 2009, 2010, 2011, 2102, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 *IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP): 2012, 2013, 2014 *IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 *International Conference on ~ReConFigurable Computing and ~FPGAs (Reconfig): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 *IAPR conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB): 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 *Workshop on ~UnConventional High Performance Computing (UCHPC): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 *IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (~CCGrid): 2012, 2013 *Innovative Parallel Computing: Foundations & Applications of GPU, Manycore, and Heterogeneous Systems (~InPar2012), San Jose, CA, May 13-14, 2012 *IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (~HiPC): 2007, 2011. *IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC): 2010, 2011 *Workshop on Parallel Computational Biology (PBC): 2007, 2009, 2011 *IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology (HISB): 2011. *International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT): 2010 *International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS): 2009 *IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC): 2009 *ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA): 2008 *IEEE International Conference on ~e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (IEEE Healthcom): 2007, 2008 *IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid (~BioGrid):2006, 2007 *IEEE Workshop on High Performance Computing in Medicine and Biology (~HiPCoMB): 2005, 2006 *IEEE International Conference on ~e-Science and Grid Computing (~E-Science): 2005, 2006 !!Journal Reviewing *Nature Methods *Genome Biology *Information Systems *ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems *ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing *IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine *IEEE Transactions on Computers *IEEE Transactions on Nanobiosciences *IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II *IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics *IEEE Computer Magazine *IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing *IEEE Transactions on VLSI *Journal of Computational Biology *Bioinformatics *BMC Bioinformatics *Parallel Computing *Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing *Computer Physics Communications *Pattern Recognition Letters *The Computer Journal *Journal of ~Real-Time Imaging *International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics *Journal of Signal Processing Systems !!Panelist for Funding Agencies *European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) *Microsoft Research ~PhD Scholarship Programme *SPRING Singapore, Technology Enterprise Commercialisation Scheme *Landesstiftung ~Baden-Wuerttemberg, HPC funding program *Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, R&D Excellence program !TEACHING ACTVITIES [[Teaching]] !Current Group Members *Dr. Christian Hundt *Andre Müller *Robin Kobus *Daniel Jünger *Felix Kallenborn *Andre Weißenberger *Fabian Beressem *Maicon Hieronymus *Haidong Lan (external) *Yuandong Chan (external) *Jose Abuin Mosequera (external) *Zekun Yin (external) !!Graduated Ph.D. Students: *Prof. Dr. Weiguo Liu *Dr. Chunxi Chen *Dr. Menaka Rajapakse *Dr. Adrianto Wirawan *Dr. Yongchao Liu *Dr. Yupeng Chen *Dr. Kristin Nguyen Thuy Diem *Dr. Christian Hundt *Dr. Jan C. Kässens
Professor of Computer Science [[GScholar|http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=fUxQceoAAAAJ]], [[DBLP|http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/s/Schmidt:Bertil]], [[Linkedin|https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertil-schmidt-4232a34/]], [[ResearchGate|https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bertil_Schmidt]]
<html> <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/Bertil2" width="120" align="left"> </html> Bertil Schmidt
''Publicly available Bioinformatics Software developed by my research group.'' !~CUSHAW1 and ~CUSHAW2 High-throuhout short and long read aligners. *Download: [[CUSHAW1|http://cushaw.sourceforge.net/]], [[CUSHAW2|http://cushaw2.sourceforge.net/]] *Citation **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2012, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts414 **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //[[CUSHAW: a CUDA compatible short read aligner to large genomes based on the ~Burrows-Wheeler transform|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/05/09/bioinformatics.bts276.abstract]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', (2012) 28(14): 1830-1837 !DYSC Software for Greedy Clustering of 16S rRNA Reads *Download: [[Google|http://code.google.com/p/dysc/]] *Citation: Z. Zheng, S. Kramer, __B. Schmidt__: //[[DySC: Software for Greedy Clustering of 16S rRNA Reads|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/06/23/bioinformatics.bts355.abstract]]//, ''Bioinformatics'', 2012, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts355, 2012 !PASHA PASHA is a parallelized short read assembler for large genomes using de Bruijn graphs. The proof-of-concept implementation takes advantange of hybrid computing systems comprising shared-memory multi-core CPUs and distributed-memory compute clusters to assemble human genomes in reasonably short time with only modest compute resources. *Download: [[Google|http://sites.google.com/site/yongchaosoftware/pasha]] *Citation: Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //Parallelized short read assembly of large genomes using de Bruijn graphs//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 12:354, 2011 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> !~CUDA-MI ~CUDA-MI accelerates MI (mutual information) estimation using the B-spline function. In order to exploit the GPU's capabilities to accelerate MI estimation, we have used the fast shared memory, fine-grained parallelism, and partitioning to implement our algorithm. Our implementation achieves speedups up to 82 compared to the multi-threaded MIBE on a modern Intel quad-core. We also have used the output of ~CUDA-MI to infer ~GRNs. Our experiments show that compared to ARACNE and ~TINGe, ~CUDA-MI can achieve better performance in terms of both runtime and inferred ~GRNs' quality. *Download: [[Google|http://sites.google.com/site/liuweiguohome/cuda-mi]] *Citation: H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Parallel Mutual Information Estimation for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks on ~GPUs//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 4:189, 2011 !CUDASW++ CUDASW++ is a bio-informatics software for ~Smith-Waterman protein database searches that takes advantage of the massively parallel CUDA architecture of NVIDIA Tesla ~GPUs to perform sequence searches faster than NCBI BLAST. In this algorithm, we deeply explore the SIMT (Single Instruction, Multiple Thread) and virtualized SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) abstractions to achieve fast speed. This algorithm has been fully tested on Tesla C1060, Tesla C2050, ~GeForce GTX 280 and GTX 295 graphics cards, and has been incorporated to NVIDIA Tesla Bio Workbench. This algorithm is publicly available open-source software, complying with the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. *Download: [[NVIDIA Tesla BioWorkbench|http://www.nvidia.com/object/swplusplus_on_tesla.html]], [[SourceForge|http://sourceforge.net/projects/cudasw/]] *Citation: **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell://CUDASW++2.0: enhanced ~Smith-Waterman protein database search on ~CUDA-enabled ~GPUs based on SIMT and virtualized SIMD abstractions//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 3:93, 2010 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> **Y. Liu, D. Maskell, __B. Schmidt__: //CUDASW++: optimizing ~Smith-Waterman sequence database searches for ~CUDA-enabled graphics processing units//, ''BMC Research Notes'' 2:73, 2009 <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> [[Ranked 3rd in all-time most viewed articles|http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcresnotes/mostviewedalltime/]] **L. Ligowski, W. Rudnicki, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__: //Accurate scanning of sequence databases with the ~Smith-Waterman algorithm//, in ''GPU Comuting Gems'', Emerald Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 !~CUDA-BLASTP ~CUDA-BLASTP and mpiCUDA-BLASTP are available under the BSD license agreement. Both are designed to accelerate NCBI BLASTP for scanning protein sequence databases on ~GPUs, it is implemented using the CUDA and MPI programming model and has been tested on NVIDIA ~GeForce GTX 280, GTX 295, and Tesla C1060 graphics cards. *Download: [[NVIDIA Tesla BioWorkbench|http://www.nvidia.com/object/blastp_on_tesla.html]], [[Google|https://sites.google.com/site/liuweiguohome/mpicuda-blastp]] *Citation: **W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //~CUDA-BLASTP: Accelerating BLASTP on ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Hardware//, ''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'' in press, doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2011.33 (IF: 2.246) **W. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, Y. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //Mapping of the BLASTP Algorithm onto GPU Clusters//, 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (''IEEE ICPADS 2011''), Tainan, Taiwan, to appear !~CUDA-MEME ~CUDA-MEME and mCUDA-MEME are motif discovery software based on the sequential MEME algorithm for a single GPU device and a GPU Cluster using the CUDA and MPI programming models. ~CUDA-MEME supports the OOPS and ZOOPS models. This algorithm has been fully tested on a Tesla C1060 and a ~GeForce GTX 280 graphics card, and has been incorporated to NVIDIA Tesla Bio Workbench. mCUDA-MEME is an ultrafast scalable motif discovery algorithm based on MEME (version 4.4.0) algorithm for mutliple ~GPUs using a hybrid combination of CUDA, MPI and ~OpenMP parallel programming models. This algorithm is a further extension of ~CUDA-MEME with respect to accuracy and speed and has been tested on a GPU cluster with eight compute nodes and two Fermi-based Tesla S2050 (and Tesla-based Tesla S1070) quad-GPU computing systems, running the Linux OS with the ~MPICH2 library. The experimental results showed that our algorithm scales well with respect to both dataset sizes and the number of ~GPUs. ~CUDA-MEME is used in the [[CompleteMOTIFs|http://cmotifs.tchlab.org/]] developed by Harvard Medical School. ~CompleteMOTIFs is motif discovery platform developed to help biologists to find novel as well as known motifs in their peak datasets from transcription factor (TF) binding experiments such as ~ChIP-seq and ~ChIP-chip. *Download: [[NVIDIA BioWorkbench|http://www.nvidia.com/object/meme_on_tesla.html]], [[Google|http://sites.google.com/site/yongchaosoftware/mcuda-meme]] *Citation: **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, D. Maskell: //~CUDA-MEME: Accelerating Motif Discovery in Biological Sequences Using ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Processing Units//, ''Pattern Recognition Letters'' 31(14):2170 - 2177, 2010 (IF: 1.559) **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //An ultrafast scalable many-core motif discovery algorithm for multiple ~GPUs//, 10th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (''~HiCOMB 2011''), Anchorage, Alaska, 2011 **L. Kuttippurathu, M Hsing, Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell, K. Lee, A. He, W.T. Pu, S.W. Kong: //~CompleteMOTIFs: DNA motif discovery platform for transcription factor binding experiments//, ''Bioinformatics'' 27(5):715-717, 2011 (IF: 4.926) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/cmotif.gif" width="150" > </html> !~DecGPU ~DecGPU (Distributed Error Correction on ~GPUs) is the first parallel and distributed error correction algorithm for high-throughput short reads using CUDA and MPI parallel programming model. Using simulated and real datasets, our algorithm demonstrates superior performance, in terms of error correction quality and execution speed, to the existing error correction algorithms. The distributed feature of our algorithm makes it feasible and flexible for the error correction of large-scale datasets. This algorithm is publicly available open-source software, complying with the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. *Download: [[Google|http://sites.google.com/site/yongchaosoftware/decgpu]] *Citation: **Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //~DecGPU: distributed error correction on massively parallel graphics processing units using CUDA and MPI//, ''BMC Bioinformatics'' 12:85, 2011 (IF: 3.43) <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/highlyaccessed.gif" > </html> **H. Shi, __B. Schmidt__, W. Liu, W. ~Müller-Wittig: //A Parallel Algorithm for Error Correction in ~High-Throughput ~Short-Read Data on ~CUDA-enabled Graphics Hardware//, ''Journal of Computational Biology'' 17(4):603-615, 2010 (IF: 1.563) !~MSAProbs ~MSAProbs is a new and practical multiple alignment algorithm for protein sequences. The design of ~MSAProbs is based on a combination of pair hidden Markov models and partition functions to calculate posterior probabilities. Assessed using the popular benchmarks: ~BAliBASE, PREFAB, ~SABmark and OXBENCH, ~MSAProbs achieves statistically significant accuracy improvements over the existing top performing aligners, including ~ClustalW, MAFFT, MUSCLE, ~ProbCons and Probalign. Furthermore, ~MSAProbs is optimized for multi-core ~CPUs by employing a multi-threaded design, leading to a competitive execution time compared to other aligners. This algorithm is publicly available open-source software, complying with the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3. *Download: [[SourceForge|http://sourceforge.net/projects/msaprobs/]] *Citation: Y. Liu, __B. Schmidt__, D. Maskell: //~MSAProbs: multiple sequence alignment based on pair hidden Markov models and partition function posterior probabilities//, ''Bioinformatics'' 26(16):1958-1964, 2010 (IF: 4.926) !SHREC SHREC is a new error correction method based on a suffix tree running on standard multi-cores with Java. *Download: [[SourceForge|http://sourceforge.net/projects/shrec-ec/]] *Citation: J. Schroder, H. Schroder, S. Puglisi, R. Sinha, __B. Schmidt__: //SHREC: A short-read error correction method//, ''Bioinformatics'' 25(17):2157-2163, 2009 (IF: 4.926) !Taipan Taipan is a fast algorithm for single end short read assembly with Illumina reads. A recent comparison published in [[A Practical Comparison of De Novo Genome Assembly Software Tools for Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies|http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0017915]] has ranked [[Taipan|http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/17/2279.full]] as the ''best performing assembler'' for small genomes from single end reads of length 36 to 75. *Download: [[SourceForge|http://sourceforge.net/projects/taipan/]] *Citation: __B. Schmidt__, R. Sinha, B. ~Beresford-Smith, S. Puglisi: //A Fast Hybrid Short Read Fragment Assembly Algorithm//, ''Bioinformatics'' 25(17),2279-2280, 2009 (IF: 4.926)
!TEACHING ACTVITIES <html> <img src="http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/schmi033/Teaching.jpg" width="600"> </html> !!Lecturer and Course Coordinator !!!//Data Mining// (at JGU Mainz) #Fall 2011, Class size = TBA !!!//Technische Informatik// (at JGU Mainz) #Fall 2011, Class size = TBA !!!//Seminar: Parallel Computing with CUDA// (at JGU Mainz) #Fall 2011, Class size = TBA !!!//Discrete Mathematics// (~XMTH1040 at UNSW, ~SC109, B.Eng. in Computer Engineering at NTU) #Spring 2007, Class size = 12 #Spring 2004, Class size = 485 #Spring 2003, Class size = 551 #Spring 2002, Class size = 537 !!!//Algorithms for Bioinformatics// (~BI6106, M.Sc. in Bioinformatics) #Fall 2010, Class Size = 40 #Fall 2009, Class Size = 34 #Fall 2008, Class Size = 30 #Fall 2006, Class Size = 40 #Fall 2005, Class size = 36 #Fall 2004, Class size = 35 #Fall 2003, Class size = 57 !!!//High Performance Computing for Bioinformatics// (~BI6121, M.Sc. in Bioinformatics) #Spring 2006, Class size = 16 #Spring 2005, Class size = 12 !!!//Secure Embedded Systems// (~ES6190, M.Sc. in Embedded Systems) #Spring 2011, Class size = 36 #Spring 2010, Class size = 24 #Spring 2009, Class size = 32 !!!"Algortihms to Architectures" (~ES6126, M.Sc. in Embedded Systems) #Spring 2011, Class Size = 12 #Spring 2010, Class size = 16 !!Publications on Learning and Teaching Methods #B. Schmidt, C.K. Kwoh: //The ~MSc in Bioinformatics Program at NTU//, Asia Pacific Biotech News, 10(24) 1487-1489, 2006 !!Tutor *Digital Circuits and Systems (CPE 201): Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010 *Logic Design (SC 102): Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004 *Mathematics I (SC 104): Fall 2004 *Discrete Mathematics (SC 109): Spring 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004 *Algorithms (SC 203): Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Fall 2003 *Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (CPE 204): Fall 2005 *Software Engineering (CPE 207): Spring 2005, Fall 2006 *at University of Karlsruhe: Computer Networks (Winter 1998) *at RWTH Aachen: Algorithms (Spring 1998), Introduction to Computer Science (Fall 1997) *at University of Kiel: Computer Science for Engineers (Spring 1993) !!Laboratories *Digital Circuits and Systems (CPE 201): Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010 *Software Engineering (CPE 207): Spring 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006 *at University of Kiel: Computer Vision (Spring 1995)
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