Michael Wand's Homepage

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Michael Wand

Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz
Institut für Informatik
Room 03-334 (note: room changed in 08/2018)

Staudingerweg 9
55128 Mainz

Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39-24061
Fax: +49 (0) 6131 39-23534
Group website:  www.visualcomputing.informatik.uni-mainz.de

About Myself
I am a professor at the Institute of Computer Science at University of Mainz. I am working on computer graphics, in particular at the intersection of geometric modeling and computer vision: I am interested in data-driven and structure-aware methods that discover structure in geometric data sets and use it for data analysis and 3D content creation.

Research Interests:

  • Machine learning and graphics
  • Statistical tools for modeling and geometric data analysis
  • Symmetry in computer graphics
  • Processing of dynamic geometry
  • Rendering, editing, and analysis of large geometric and spatial data sets

Bio and Academic Activities