

The Chi Distribution for Short German Texts

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For German we extract and the next 104293 letters from Die Juweleninsel.

We count the χ-values of 2000 pairs of 26 letter chunks and use a spreadsheet.

The figure and table show some characteristics of the distribution.

To get χ-values divide x-values in the graphic by 26 x 26 = 676.
[Frequency of phi values]

Distribution of χ for 2000 German text pairs of 26 letters

Minimum: 0.0325
Median: 0.0784Mean value: 0.0793
Maximum: 0.1538Standard dev:0.0154
1st quartile:0.06805% quantile: 0.0562
3rd quartile:0.088895% quantile:0.1065

Author: Klaus Pommerening, 2013-Dec-20; last change: 2014-Jan-25.