Köhler, D., P. Reutter, P. Spichtinger, 2024: Relative
humidity over ice as a key variable for Northern hemisphere
mid-latitude tropopause inversion layers. Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics, 24, 10055-10072. doi:10.5194/acp-24-10055-2024
Krüger, M., A. Mishra, P. Spichtinger, U. Pöschl,
T. Berkemeier, 2024: A numerical compass for experiment
design in chemical kinetics and molecular property
estimation. Journal of Cheminformatics, 16, 34,
Wörl, A.-C., M. Wand, P. Spichtinger, 2024: Towards a
Data-Driven Understanding of Cloud Structure
Formation. Accepted as a workshop paper at the
International Conference on Learning Representations
(ICLR) 2024 Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine
Chertock, A., A. Kurganov, M. Lukáčová-Medviďová,
P. Spichtinger, B. Wiebe, 2023: Stochastic Galerkin method
for cloud simulation. Part II: a fully random
Navier-Stokes-cloud model. Journal of Computational
Physics, 479, 111987, doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2023.111987
Dolaptchiev, S. I., P. Spichtinger, M. Baumgartner,
U. Achatz, 2023: Interactions between gravity waves and
cirrus clouds: asymptotic modeling of wave induced ice
nucleation. J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 2861-2879,
Niebler, S., B. Schmidt, H. Tost, P. Spichtinger:
Automated identification and location of three dimensional
atmospheric frontal systems. In: Mikyška, J., de
Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V.,
Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M. (eds) Computational Science
ICCS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 14074, 3-17, Springer, doi:
Spichtinger, P., P. Marschalik, M. Baumgartner, 2023:
Impact of formulations of the homogeneous nucleation rate
on ice nucleation events in cirrus. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
23, 2035-2060, doi: 10.5194/acp-23-2035-2023
Baumgartner, M., C. Rolf, J.-U. Grooß, J. Schneider,
T. Schorr, O. Möhler, P. Spichtinger, and M. Krämer,
2022: New investigations on homogeneous ice
nucleation: the effects of water activity and water
saturation formulations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22,
65-91, doi: 10.5194/acp-22-65-2022
Brodehl, S., R. Müller, E. Schömer, P. Spichtinger,
M. Wand, 2022: End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from
Geostationary Satellite Images. Remote
Sens. 14(15), 3760, doi: 10.3390/rs14153760
Henneberg, J., F. Schuhknecht, P. Reutter, N. Brast, P.
Spichtinger, 2022: Northlight: Declarative and Optimized
Analysis of Atmospheric Datasets in SparkSQL. SSDBM '22:
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on
Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 13, 1-12,
doi: 10.1145/3538712.3538715
Niebler, S., A. Miltenberger, B. Schmidt, and
P. Spichtinger, 2022: Automated detection and
classification of synoptic scale fronts from
atmospheric data grids. Weather Clim. Dynam., 3,
113-137 doi: 10.5194/wcd-3-113-2022
Grulich, L., R. Weigel, A. Hildebrandt, M. Wand, and
P. Spichtinger, 2021: Automatic shape detection of ice
crystals. Journal of Computational Science, 54, 101429.
doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101429
Weigel, R., C. Mahnke, M. Baumgartner, M. Krämer,
P. Spichtinger, N. Spelten, A. Afchine, C. Rolf,
S. Viciani, F. D’Amato, H. Tost, and S. Borrmann,
2021: New particle formation inside ice clouds: in
situ observations in the tropical tropopause layer in
the 2017 Asian Monsoon Anticyclone.
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13455-1348, doi: 10.5194/acp-21-13455-2021
Baumgartner, M., R. Weigel, A. H. Harvey, F. Plöger,
U. Achatz, and P. Spichtinger, 2020: Reappraising the
appropriate calculation of a common meteorological
quantity: Potential Temperature. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20,
15585-15616. doi: 10.5194/acp-20-15585-2020
Krämer, M., C. Rolf, N. Spelten, A. Afchine, D. Fahey,
E. Jensen, S. Khaykin, T. Kuhn, P. Lawson, A. Lykov,
L. L. Pan, M. Riese, F. Stroh, T. Thornberry, V. Wolf,
S. Woods, P. Spichtinger, J. Quaas, O. Sourdeval, 2020: A
Microphysics Guide to Cirrus - Part 2: Climatologies of
Clouds and Humidity from Observations.
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 12569-12608, doi:
Petzold, A., P. Neis, M. Rütimann, S. Rohs, F. Berkes,
H.G.J. Smit, M. Krämer, N. Spelten, P. Spichtinger,
P. Nedelec, A. Wahner, 2020: Ice-supersaturated air masses
in the northern mid-latitudes from regular in situ
observations by passenger aircraft: vertical distribution,
seasonality and tropospheric
fingerprint. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 8157-8179,
Rosemeier, J. and P. Spichtinger, 2020: Pattern formation
in clouds via Turing instabilities. Math. Clim. Weather Forecast., 6, 75-96, doi:10.1515/mcwf-2020-0104
Baumgartner, M., M. Sagebaum, N. Gauger, P. Spichtinger,
A. Brinkmann, 2019: Algorithmic differentiation for cloud
schemes (IFS Cy43r3) using CoDiPack
(v1.8.1). Geosci. Model Dev.,12, 5197-5212,
Baumgartner, M. and P. Spichtinger, 2019: Homogeneous
nucleation from an asymptotic point of view,
Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 33, 83-106,
Chertok, A., A. Kurganov, M. Lukacova-Medvidova,
P. Spichtinger, B. Wiebe, 2019: Stochastic Galerkin
Method for Cloud Simulation, Math. Clim. Weather
Forecast., 5, 65-106, doi:10.1515/mcwf-2019-0005
Baumgartner, M. and P. Spichtinger, 2018a: Diffusional Growth of
Cloud Particles: Existence and Uniqueness of
Solutions. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 32, 47-62,
Baumgartner, M. and P. Spichtinger, 2018b: Towards a
Bulk Approach of Local Interactions of
Hydrometeors. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 2525-2546,
Porz, N., M. Hanke, M. Baumgartner, and P. Spichtinger, 2018: A
model for warm clouds with implicit droplet activation, avoiding
saturation adjustment, Math. Clim. Weather Forecast., 4, 50-78, doi:
Rosemeier, J., M. Baumgartner, and P. Spichtinger, 2018:
Intercomparison of Warm- Rain Bulk Microphysics Schemes using
Asymptotics, Math. Clim. Weather Forecast., 4, 104-124, doi:
Baumgartner, M., and P. Spichtinger, 2017: Local
interactions by diffusion between mixed-phase
hydrometeors: Insights from model
simulations. Math. Clim. Weather Forecast, 3, 64-89,
Berkemeier, T. M. Ammann, U. K. Krieger, T. Peter, P. Spichtinger,
U. Pöschl, M. Shiraiwa, and A. J. Huisman, 2017: Monte-Carlo
genetic algorithm (MCGA) for model analysis of multiphase chemical
kinetics to determine transport and reaction rate coefficients
using multiple experimental data
sets. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 8021-8029,
Klingebiel, M., A. Ehrlich, F. Finger, T. Röschenthaler,
S. Jakirlic, M. Voigt, S. Müller, R. Maser, M. Wendisch,
P. Hoor, P. Spichtinger, and S. Borrmann, 2017: A tandem approach
for collocated in-situ measurements of microphysical and radiative
cirrus properties. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 3485-3498,
Lukacova-Medvidova, M., J. Rosemeier, P. Spichtinger, B. Wiebe,
2017: IMEX Finite Volume Methods for Cloud Simulation. In:
"Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII—Hyperbolic, Elliptic and
Parabolic Problems. FVCA 2017.", C. Cances and P. Omnes, Eds., Springer
Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 200, 179-187,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57394-6_20
Petzold, A., M. Krämer, P. Neis, C. Rolf, S. Rohs, F. Berkes,
H.G.J. Smit, M. Gallagher, K. Beswick, G. Lloyd, D. Baumgardner,
P. Spichtinger, P. Nedelec, V. Thouret, V. Ebert, B. Buchholz,
M. Riese, A. Wahner, 2017: Upper tropospheric water vapour and its
interaction with cirrus clouds as seen from IAGOS long-term
routine in-situ observations. Faraday Discussions, 200, 229-249, doi:
Spreitzer, E. J., M. P. Marschalik, P. Spichtinger, 2017:
Subvisible cirrus clouds - a dynamical system
approach. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 24, 307-328,
Voigt, C., U. Schumann, A. Minikin, A. Abdelmonem, A. Afchine,
S. Borrmann, M. Boettcher, B. Buchholz, L. Bugliaro, A. Costa,
J. Curtius, M. Dollner, A. Dörnbrack, V. Dreiling, V. Ebert,
A. Ehrlich, A. Fix, L. Forster, F. Frank, D. Fütterer, A. Giez,
K. Graf, J. Grooß, S. Groß, K. Heimerl, B. Heinold, T. Hüneke,
E. Järvinen, T. Jurkat, S. Kaufmann, M. Kenntner, M. Klingebiel,
T. Klimach, R. Kohl, M. Krämer, T. Krisna, A. Luebke, B. Mayer,
S. Mertes, S. Molleker, A. Petzold, K. Pfeilsticker, M. Port,
M. Rapp, P. Reutter, C. Rolf, D. Rose, D. Sauer, A. Schäfler,
R. Schlage, M. Schnaiter, J. Schneider, N. Spelten,
P. Spichtinger, P. Stock, A. Walser, R. Weigel, B. Weinzierl,
M. Wendisch, F. Werner, H. Wernli, M. Wirth, A. Zahn, H. Ziereis,
and M. Zöger, 2017: ML-CIRRUS - The airborne experiment on natural
cirrus and contrail cirrus with the high-altitude long-range
research aircraft HALO. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 271-288,
Finger, F., F. Werner, M. Klingebiel, A. Ehrlich, E. Jäkel,
M. Voigt, S. Borrmann, P. Spichtinger, and M. Wendisch, 2016:
Spectral optical layer properties of cirrus from collocated airborne
measurements - a feasibility study. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7681-7693,
Spichtinger, P. and M. Leschner, 2016: Horizontal scales of
ice-supersaturated regions. Tellus B, 68, 29020, doi:10.3402/tellusb.v68.29020
Weigel, R., P. Spichtinger, C. Mahnke, M. Klingebiel,
A. Afchine, A. Petzold, M. Krämer, A. Costa, S. Molleker,
P. Reutter, M. Szakall, M. Port, L. Grulich, T. Jurkat,
A. Minikin, and S. Borrmann, 2016: Thermodynamic correction of
particle concentrations measured by underwing probes on fast
flying aircraft. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5135-5162. doi:
Wernli, H., M. Boettcher, H. Joos, A. K. Miltenberger,
P. Spichtinger, 2016: A trajectory-based classification of
ERA-Interim ice clouds in the region of the North Atlantic storm
track. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi: 10.1002/2016GL068922
Chang, D., Y. Cheng, P. Reutter, J. Trentmann, S. Burrows,
P. Spichtinger, S. Nordmann, M. O. Andreae, U. Pöschl, and
H. Su, 2015: Comprehensive mapping and characteristic regimes of
aerosol effects on the formation and evolution of pyro-convective
clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10325-10348,
Mueller, S., P. Hoor, F. Berkes, H. Bozem, M. Klingebiel,
P. Reutter, H.G.J. Smit, M. Wendisch, P. Spichtinger, S. Borrmann, 2015:
In-situ detection of stratosphere-troposphere-exchange of cirrus
particles in the mid-latitudes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 949-955, doi:
Cirisan, A., B.P. Luo, I. Engel, F.G. Wienhold, U.K. Krieger,
U. Weers, G. Romanens, G. Levrat, P. Jeannet, D. Ruffieux,
R. Philipona, B. Calpini, P. Spichtinger, and T. Peter, 2014:
Balloon-borne match measurements of mid-latitude cirrus
clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 7341-7365,
Joos, H., P. Spichtinger, P. Reutter, F. Fusina, 2014: Influence
of heterogeneous freezing on the microphysical and radiative
properties of orographic cirrus clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14,
6835-6852, doi:10.5194/acp-14-6835-2014.
Spichtinger, P., 2014: Shallow cirrus convection - a source for ice
supersaturation.Tellus A, 66, 19937, doi:10.3402/tellusa.v66.19937
Beguin, A., O. Martius, M. Sprenger, P. Spichtinger, D. Folini,
H. Wernli, 2013: Tropopause level Rossby wave breaking in the Northern
Hemisphere: a feature-based validation of the ECHAM5-HAM climate
model. Int. J. Climatol., 33, 3073-3082, doi:10.1002/joc.3631.
Cirisan, C., P. Spichtinger, B. P. Luo, D. K. Weisenstein,
H. Wernli, U. Lohmann, and T. Peter, 2013: Microphysical and radiative
changes in cirrus clouds by geoengineering the
stratosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 4533-4548, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50388.
Kienast-Sjögren, E., P. Spichtinger, and K. Gierens, 2013:
Formulation and test of an ice aggregation scheme for two-moment
bulk microphysics schemes. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9021-9037,
Spichtinger, P. and M. Krämer, 2013: Tropical tropopause
ice clouds: a dynamical approach to the mystery of low crystal
numbers. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9801-9818,
Gierens, K., P. Spichtinger, U. Schumann, 2012: Ice
Supersaturation. Chapter 9 (pp. 135-150) in: U. Schumann (Editor), Atmospheric
Physics, Research Topics in Aerospace. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30183-4_9 .
Isotta, F., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, K. von Salzen, 2011:
Improvement and implementation of a parameterization for shallow
cumulus in the global climate model ECHAM5-HAM. J. Atmos. Sci.,
68, 515-532, doi: 10.1175/2010JAS3447.1
Kübbeler, M., M. Hildebrandt, J. Meyer, C. Schiller,
Th. Hamburger, T. Jurkat, A. Minikin, A. Petzold, M. Rautenhaus,
H. Schlager, U. Schumann, C. Voigt, P. Spichtinger, J.-F. Gayet,
C. Gourbeyre, and M. Krämer, 2011: Thin and subvisible cirrus
and contrails in a subsaturated
environment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5853-5865, doi:10.5194/acp-11-5853-2011.
Fusina, F. and P. Spichtinger, 2010: Cirrus clouds triggered by
radiation, a multiscale phenomenon. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10,
5179-5190, doi:10.5194/acp-10-5179-2010.
Joos, H., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2010: Influence of a future
climate on the microphysical and optical properties of orographic
cirrus clouds in ECHAM5. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D19129,
Rieder, H.E., J. Staehelin, P. Weihs, L. Vuilleumier, J. Maeder,
M. Blumthaler, F. Holawe, A. Lindfors, T. Peter, S. Simic,
P. Spichtinger, J. E. Wagner, D. Walker, M. Ribatet, 2010:
Relationship between strong UV-enhancement, total ozone, surface
albedo and cloudiness: An analysis of 30 years of data from
Switzerland and Austria. Atmos. Res., 98, 9-20,
Spichtinger, P. and D. J. Cziczo, 2010: Impact of heterogeneous
ice nuclei on homogeneous freezing events in cirrus
clouds. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D14208, doi:10.1029/2009JD012168.
Herich, H., L. Kammermann, B. Friedman, D. S. Gross,
E. Weingartner, U. Lohmann, P. Spichtinger, M. Gysel,
U. Baltensperger, and D. J. Cziczo, 2009: Subarctic atmospheric
aerosol composition: 2. Hygroscopic growth properties,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, D13204, doi:10.1029/2008JD011574.
Joos, H., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2009: Orographic cirrus in
a future climate. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 7825-7845, doi: 10.5194/acp-9-7825-2009
Kärcher, B. and P. Spichtinger, 2009: Cloud-controlling Factors
of Cirrus. In "Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System: Their
Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and
Precipitation", Strüngmann Forum Reports. J. Heintzenberg and
R.J. Charlson, Eds. MIT Press, 235-268.
Krämer, M., C. Schiller, A. Afchine, I. Gensch, A. Mangold,
N. Spelten, N. Sitnikov, S. Borrmann, M. deReus, and P. Spichtinger,
2009: Ice Supersaturations and Cirrus Cloud Crystal
Numbers. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 3505-3522, doi: 10.5194/acp-9-3505-2009
Muhlbauer, A., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2009: Application and
comparison of robust linear regression methods for trend
estimation. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 48, 1961-1970, doi: 10.1175/2009JAMC1851.1
Spichtinger, P. and K. Gierens, 2009a: Modelling Cirrus
Clouds. Part 1a: Model description and
validation. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 685-706, doi: 10.5194/acp-9-685-2009
Spichtinger, P. and K. Gierens, 2009b: Modelling Cirrus
Clouds. Part 1b: Structuring cirrus clouds by
dynamics. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 707-719, doi: 10.5194/acp-9-707-2009
Spichtinger, P. and K. Gierens, 2009c: Modelling Cirrus
Clouds. Part 2: Competition of different nucleation
mechanisms. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 2319-2334, doi: 10.5194/acp-9-2319-2009
Joos, H., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, J.-F. Gayet, A. Minikin,
2008: Orographic cirrus in the global climate model
ECHAM5. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D18205, doi:10.1029/2007JD009605.
Lohmann, U., P. Spichtinger, S. Jess, T. Peter, H. Smit, 2008:
Cirrus clouds and ice supersaturated regions in a global climate
model. Environ. Res. Lett. 3, 045022, doi:10.1088/1748-
Unterstrasser, S., K. Gierens, P. Spichtinger, 2008: The
evolution of contrail microphysics and structure in the vortex
phase, Meteorol. Z., 17, 145-156, doi: 10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0273
Fusina, F., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2007: The impact of ice
supersaturated regions and thin cirrus on radiation in the mid
latitudes. J. Geophy. Res., 112, D24S14, doi:10.1029/2007JD008449.
Peter, T., C. Marcolli, P. Spichtinger, T. Corti, M. Baker,
T. Koop, 2006: When Dry Air Is Too Humid. Science, 5804 (314),
1399-1402, doi: 10.1126/science.1135199
Mannstein, H., P. Spichtinger, K. Gierens, 2005: A note on how
to avoid contrail cirrus. Transp. Res. D: Transp. Environ., 10,
421-426, doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2005.04.012
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, H. Wernli, 2005a: A case study on
the formation and evolution of ice supersaturation in the vicinity
of a warm conveyor belt's outflow region. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5,
973-987, doi: 10.5194/acp-5-973-2005
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, A. Dörnbrack, 2005b: Formation of
ice supersaturation by mesoscale gravity waves. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
5, 1243-1255, doi: 10.5194/acp-5-1243-2005
Gierens, K. and P. Spichtinger, 2004: Comment on "The impact of
temperature errors on perceived humidity supersaturation" by
S. A. Buehler and N. Courcoux. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31,
Gierens, K. , R. Kohlhepp, P. Spichtinger,
M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, 2004: Ice supersaturation as seen from
TOVS. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4, 539-547, DOI: 10.5194/acp-4-539-2004
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, H.G.J. Smit, J. Ovarlez,
J.-F. Gayet, 2004: On the distribution of relative humidity in
cirrus clouds. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4, 639-647, DOI: 10.5194/acp-4-639-2004
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, U. Leiterer, H. Dier, 2003a: Ice
supersaturation in the tropopause region over Lindenberg,
Germany. Meteorol. Z., 12, 143-156, DOI:10.1127/0941-2948/2003/0012-0143
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, W. Read, 2003b: The global
distribution of ice-supersaturated regions as seen by the microwave
limb sounder. Quart. Jour. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 129, 3391-3410, DOI:10.1256/qj.02.141
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, W. Read, 2002: The statistical
distribution law of relative humidity in the global tropopause
region. Meteorol. Z., 11, 83-88, DOI:10.1127/0941-2948/2002/0011-0083
Gierens, K. and P. Spichtinger, 2000: On the size distribution
of ice-supersaturated regions in the upper troposphere and the
lower stratosphere. Ann. Geophys., 18, 499-504, DOI:10.1007/s005850050907
Peer-reviewed publications in review
Kosareva, A., S. Dolapchiev, P. Spichtinger,
U. Achatz: A new parameterisation for homogeneous ice
nucleation driven by highly variable dynamical
forcings. Submitted to
Geoscientific Model Development.
Lüttmer, T., P. Spichtinger, A. Seifert:
Investigating ice formation pathways using a novel
two-moment multi-class cloud microphysics scheme,
EGUsphere [preprint], doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-2157
Brodehl, S., R. Müller, E. Schömer, P. Spichtinger,
M. Wand: End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from
Geostationary Satellite Images. Preprints 2022,
2022060238, doi: 10.20944/preprints202206.0238.v1
Chertock, A., A. Kurganov, M. Lukáčová-Medviďová,
P. Spichtinger, B. Wiebe: Stochastic Galerkin method for
cloud simulation. Part II: a fully random
Navier-Stokes-cloud model.
Chertock, A., A. Kurganov, M. Lukáčová-Medviďová,
P. Spichtinger, B. Wiebe: Stochastic Galerkin method for
cloud simulation.
Dolaptchiev, S. I., P. Spichtinger, M. Baumgartner,
U. Achatz: Interactions between gravity waves and
cirrus clouds: asymptotic modeling of wave induced ice
nucleation. arXiv:2304.10206
Henneberg, J., F. Schuhknecht, P. Reutter, N. Brast, P.
Spichtinger: Northlight: Declarative and Optimized
Analysis of Atmospheric Datasets in
SparkSQL. arXiv:2109.08053
Porz, N., M. Hanke, M. Baumgartner, P. Spichtinger: A model
for warm clouds with implicit droplet activation, avoiding
saturation adjustment.
Pütz, P., M. Schlutow, R. Klein, V. Bense,
P. Spichtinger: Reflection and transmission of gravity
waves at non-uniform stratification layers.
Rosemeier, J., P. Spichtinger: Pattern formation in clouds
via Turing
instabilities. arXiv:2010.03330
Rosemeier, J., M. Baumgartner, P. Spichtinger:
Intercomparison of Warm-Rain Bulk Microphysics Schemes
using Asymptotics.
Other publications
Finger, F., M. Wendisch, S. Borrmann, P. Spichtinger, and
M. Klingebiel, 2013: A device to measure the influence of spatially
inhomogeneous cirrus on atmospheric radiation. AIP Conf. Proc.,
1531, 692-695, doi: 10.1063/1.4804864
Siebesma, P., J.-L. Brenguier, C. S. Bretherton,
W. W. Grabowski, J. Heintzenberg, B. Kärcher, K. Lehmann,
J. C. Petch, P. Spichtinger, B. Stevens, and F. Stratmann, 2009:
Cloud-controlling Factors. In "Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System:
Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and
Precipitation", Strüngmann Forum Reports. J. Heintzenberg and
R.J. Charlson, Eds. MIT Press, 269-290.
Joos, H., U. Lohmann, P. Spichtinger, J.-F. Gayet, A. Minikin,
2008: Orographic cirrus clouds in ECHAM5. 15th Conference on Clouds
and Precipitation. Cancun, Mexico. 7-11 July 2008. (extended
Krämer, M., C. Schiller, A. Afchine, R. Bauer, I. Gensch,
A. Mangold, S. Schlicht, N. Spelten, O. Möhler, H. Saathoff,
V. Ebert, N. Sitnikov, S. Borrman, M. de Reus and P. Spichtinger,
2008: Supersaturations in cirrus: field and laboratory observations.
15th Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Cancun, Mexico. 7-11
July 2008. (extended abstract)
Lohmann, U., P. Spichtinger, S. Heidt, T. Peter, H. Smit, 2008:
Cirrus clouds and ice supersaturated regions in a global climate
model. 15th Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Cancun,
Mexico. 7-11 July 2008. (extended abstract)
Mühlbauer, A., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2008: Interaction
of Microphysical and Dynamical Timescales in Orographic
Precipitation. 15th Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Cancun,
Mexico. 7-11 July 2008. (extended abstract)
Spichtinger, P. and P. K. Smolarkiewicz, 2008: Turbulence in cirrus
clouds. 15th Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Cancun,
Mexico. 7-11 July 2008. (extended abstract)
Spichtinger, P. and D. Cziczo, 2008: Aerosol-cloud interactions
- a challenge for measurements and modeling at the cutting edge of
cloud-climate interactions. Environ. Res. Lett., 3, doi:
10.1088/1748-9326/3/2/025002. (Editorial for special issue on
"Aerosol cloud interactions")
Wendisch, M., P. Formenti, T. Anderson, A. Kokhanovsky,
B. Mayer, P. Pilewskie, S. Platnick, J. Redemann, J. Remedios,
P. Spichtinger, D. Tanre, Vanhellemont, 2008: Supplement to
Combining Upcoming Satellite Missions and Aircraft Activities:
Future Challenges for the EUFAR Fleet. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 89,
Joos, H., U. Lohmann, P. Spichtinger, 2007: Orographische Zirren
im Klimamodell ECHAM5. DACH Meteorologentagung, Hamburg, Germany,
10-14 September 2007. (extended abstract)
Spichtinger, P., S. Schlicht, C. Schiller, N. Spelten, M. de
Reus, J. Curtius, H.-J. Vössing, S. Borrmann, M. Krämer, 2007:
Impact of aerosols and dynamics on cirrus clouds - measurements and
model studies. European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria,
9-14 September 2007. (extended abstract)
Mühlbauer, A., P. Spichtinger, U. Lohmann, 2006: Robust
statistical methods in climate trend analysis. 7. Deutsche
Klimatagung, Munich, Germany, 9-11 October 2006. (extended
Spichtinger, P., K. Gierens, U. Lohmann, 2006: Importance of a
proper treatment of ice crystal sedimentation for cirrus clouds in
large-scale models. 12th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, Madison,
USA, 10-14 July 2006. (extended abstract)
Spichtinger, P., A. Dörnbrack, 2006: Microphysical modeling of
orographic cirrus clouds. 12th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics,
Madison, USA, 10-14 July 2006. (extended abstract)
Spichtinger, P., 2000: Generating Ray Class Fields by Quotients
of Weierstrass ℘-functions. Institute of Mathematics,
University of Augsburg, Report 428, 1-33. (Diploma Thesis)