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Publications - Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel




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  • Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., & Ponsot, E. (under revision). Non-uniform temporal weighting of intensity in audition and vision: The signature of an
    evidence integration process?

  • Hots, J., Oberfeld, D. & Verhey, J. L. (in press). Spatial weights in loudness judgements. Acta Acustica.
  • Oberfeld, D., Kattner, F., Staab, K, & Ellermeier, W. (2024). Is recognition of speech in noise related to memory disruption caused by irrelevant sound? Trends in Hearing, 28. [Full text].
  • Wessels, M., & Oberfeld, D. (2024). A binary acceleration signal reduces overestimation in pedestrians’ visual time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles. Heliyon, e27483. [Full text]
  • Wessels, M., Hecht, H., Huisman, T., & Oberfeld, D. (2023). Trial-by-trial feedback fails to improve the consideration of acceleration in visual time-to-collision estimation. PLOS One. [Full text]
  • Jonauskaite, D., Epicoco, D., ..., Oberfeld, D., … Mohr, C. (2023). A comparative analysis of colour–emotion associations in 16–88‐year‐old adults from 31 countries. British Journal of Psychology. [Abstract]

  • Wessels, M., Kröling, S. & Oberfeld, D. (2022). Audiovisual time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles: The acoustic signature of electric vehicles impairs pedestrians' judgments. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 91, 191-212. [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., Wessels, M., & Büttner, D. (2022). Overestimated time-to-collision for quiet vehicles: Evidence from a study using a novel audiovisual virtual-reality system for traffic scenarios. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 175, 106778. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • Wessels, M., Zähme, C., & Oberfeld, D. (2022). Auditory information improves time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles. Current Psychology. [Full text]

  • Bernhard, C., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H (2022). Rear-view perception in driving: Distance information is privileged in the selection of safe gaps. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. [Abstract]

  • Wessels, M., Utegaliyev, N., Bernhard, C., Welsch, R., Oberfeld, D., Thönes, S., & von Castell, C. (2022). Adapting to the pandemic: Longitudinal effects of social restrictions on time perception and boredom during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Scientific Reports, 12, 1863 [Full text].

  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Guldan, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2021). Temporal loudness weights: Primacy effects, loudness dominance and their interaction. PLOS One, 16, e0261001. [Full text]
  • Braly, A., DeLucia, P. R., & Oberfeld, D. (2021). Does affective content of sounds affect auditory time-to-collision estimation? Auditory Perception & Cognition. [Abstract]

  • von Castell, C., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2021). Visual and postural eye-height information is flexibly coupled in the perception of virtual environments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(8), 1132–1148. [Abstract]
  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2021). Temporal loudness weights are frequency specific. Frontiers in Psychology - Auditory Neuroscience. [Full text]

  • Bernhard, C., Oberfeld, D., Hoffmann, H., Weismüller, D., & Hecht, H. (2020). User acceptance of automated public transport: Valence of an autonomous minibus experience. Transportation Research F, 70, 109-123. [Abstract]
  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Oberfeld, D. (2020). The effect of silent gaps on temporal weights in loudness judgments. Hearing Research, 395, 108028. [Abstract]
  • Jonauskaite, D., Abu-Akel*, A., Dael*, N., Oberfeld*, D., …, & Mohr, C. (2020). Universal patterns in color-emotion associations are further shaped by linguistic and geographic proximity. Psychological Science. [Abstract] (*: co-second authorship)
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2020). Wall patterns influence the perception of interior space. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 29-54. [Abstract]

  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Oberfeld, D. (2019). Temporal weights in loudness: Investigation of the effects of background noise and sound level. PLOS One, 14(11): e0223075. [Full text]
  • Jonauskaite, D., Wicker, J., Mohr, C., Dael, N., Havelka, J., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Zhang, M., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). A machine learning approach to quantifying the specificity of color-emotion associations and their cultural differences. Royal Society Open Science, 6, 190741. [Full text]
  • Jonauskaite, D., ... , Oberfeld, D., et al. (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, 101350. [Abstract]

  • Oberfeld, D., Jung, L., Verhey, J., & Hots, J. (2018). Evaluation of a model of temporal weights in loudness judgments. JASA-EL, 144(2), EL119-EL124. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., Hots, J., & Verhey, J. (2018). How stimulus parameters affect temporal weights in the perception of sound intensity: Effects of sound duration and number of temporal segments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, 943-953. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Bright paint makes interior space surfaces appear farther away. PLOS One, 13(9): e0201976. [Full text]
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Which attribute of ceiling color influences perceived room height? Human Factors, 60, 1228-
    1240. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • Grotjohann, A., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Evaluation of Franz Marc's Color Theory using Implicit Testing Procedures. Art and Perception, 6, 41-66. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • Wilms, L. & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Color and emotion: Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness. Psychological Research, 82, 896–914. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • Thönes, S., von Castell, C., Iflinger, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Color and time perception: Evidence for temporal overestimation of blue stimuli. Scientific Reports, 8:1688. [Full text]
  • von Castell, C., Stelzmann, D., Oberfeld, D., Welsch, R., & Hecht, H. (2018). Cognitive performance and emotion are indifferent to ambient color. Color Research and Application, 43, 65–74. [Abstract] [PDF]

  • Keshavarz, B., DeLucia, P. R., Campos, J. L., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Estimating the relative weights of visual and auditory tau versus heuristic-based cues for time-to-contact judgments in realistic, familiar scenes by older and younger adults. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(3), 929-944. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • Thönes, S., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Meta-analysis of time perception and temporal processing in schizophrenia: Differential effects on precision and accuracy. Clinical Psychology Review, 54, 44-64. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • Nooij, S. A. E., Pretto, P., Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Bülthoff, H. H. (2017). Vection is the main contributor to motion sickness induced by visual yaw rotation: Implications for conflict and eye movement theories. PLoS One, e0175305. [Full text]
  • Baurès, R. DeLucia, P., Olson, M., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Asymmetric interference in concurrent time-to-contact estimation: Cousin or twin of the PRP effect? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(2), 698-711. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Measuring perceived ceiling height in a visual comparison task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(3), 516-532[Abstract] [PDF]

  • Kemper, C. J., Mitschke, T., Rollett, W., Kemper, V., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Verbesserung der Präsentationskompetenz in der Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen: Entwicklung des Mainzer Verfahrens zur Peer-Evaluation studentischer Präsentationen (MPEP). Das Hochschulwesen, 64(3), 95-103. [PDF]
  • Levulis, S. J., DeLucia, P. R., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Effects of adjacent vehicles on judgments of a lead car during car following. Human Factors, 58(7), 1096-1111. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • Ponsot, E., Susini, P., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Temporal weighting of loudness: Comparison between two different psychophysical tasks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(1), 406-417. [Abstract] [PDF]
  • DeLucia, P.R., Preddy, D., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Audiovisual integration of time-to-contact information for approaching objects. Multisensory Research, 29(4-5), 365–395[Abstract]  [PDF]

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Are temporal loudness weights under top-down control? Effects of trial-by-trial feedback. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101(6), 1073-1250. [Abstract] [PDF]

  • von Castell, C., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2014). The effect of furnishing on perceived spatial dimensions and spaciousness of interior space. PLOS One, 9(11), e113267. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., Thönes, S., Palayoor, B., & Hecht, H. (2014). Depression does not affect time perception and time-to-contact estimation. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 24 July 2014.  [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., Stahn, P., & Kuta, M. (2014). Why do forward maskers affect auditory intensity discrimination? Evidence from "molecular psychophysics". PLOS One, 9(6), e99745. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). An objective measure of auditory stream segregation based on molecular psychophysics. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 76(3), 829-851. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., Tournier, I., Hecht, H., & Cavallo, V. (2014). Arrival-time judgments on multi-lane streets: The failure to ignore irrelevant traffic. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 65, 72–84. [Abstract] [PDF]

  • Oberfeld, D., Kuta, M., & Jesteadt, W. (2013). Factors limiting performance in a multitone intensity-discrimination task: Disentangling non-optimal decision weights and increased internal noise. PLOS One, 8(11), e79830. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Franke, T. (2013). Evaluating the robustness of repeated measures analyses: The case of small sample sizes and non-normal data. Behavior Research Methods, 45(3), 792-812. [Abstract] [Full text] [Supplementary material]
  • Landwehr, K., Baures, R., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2013). Visual discrimination thresholds for time-to-arrival. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. [Abstract] [Full text]

  • Oberfeld, D., Heeren, W., Rennies, J., & Verhey, J. (2012). Spectro-temporal weighting of loudness. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e50184. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Stahn, P. (2012). Sequential grouping modulates the effect of non-simultaneous masking on auditory intensity resolution. PLoS ONE, 7(10), e48054. [Full text]
  • Oberfeld, D., Stahn, P., & Kuta, M. (2012). Binaural release from masking in forward-masked intensity discrimination: Evidence for effects of selective attention. Hearing Research, 294, 1-9. [Abstract]   [PDF]
  • Katzer, A., Oberfeld, D., Hiller, W., Gerlach, A. L., & Witthöft, M. (2012). Tactile perceptual processes and their relationship to somatoform disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121(2), 530-543. [Abstract]  [PDF]

  • Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2011). Fashion versus perception: The impact of surface lightness on the perceived dimensions of interior space. Human Factors, 53(3), 284-298.  [PDF] [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H., & Landwehr, K. (2011). Effects of task-irrelevant texture motion on time-to-contact judgments. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(2), 581-596. [Full text]  [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D. & Plank, T. (2011). The temporal weighting of loudness: Effects of the level profile. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(1), 189-208. [Full text] [Abstract]
  • Bergmann, J., Krauß, E., Münch, A., Jungmann, R., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2011). Locomotor and verbal distance judgments in action and vista space. Experimental Brain Research, 210(1), 13-23. [Abstract] [Full text]
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2011). Perceptual rather than motor limitations constrain temporal-range estimation of multiple objects. Acta Psychologica, 137, 76-82. [PDF] [Abstract]  
  • Katzer, A., Oberfeld, D., Hiller, W., & Witthöft, M. (2011). Tactile perceptual processes and their relationship to medically unexplained symptoms and health anxiety. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71(5), 335-341. [Abstract]

  • Keshavarz, B., Landwehr, K. Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Benguigui, N. (2010). Age-correlated incremental consideration of velocity information in relative time-to-arrival judgments. Ecological Psychology, 22(3), 212-221. [PDF] [Abstract]
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2010). Judging the contact-times of multiple objects: Evidence for asymmetric interference. Acta Psychologica, 134,363–371. [PDF] [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Gamer, M. (2010). Surface lightness influences perceived room height. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 1999-2011. [PDF] [Abstract]

  • Dittrich, K., & Oberfeld, D. (2009). A comparison of the  temporal weighting of annoyance and loudness. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6), 3168-3178.  [PDF]  [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., Allendorf, U., & Wickelmaier, F. (2009). Ambient lighting modifies the flavor of wine. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24(6), 797-832. [PDF]  [Abstract]  
  • Oberfeld, D. (2009). The decision process in forward-masked intensity discrimination: Evidence from molecular analyses. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 294-303. [PDF]  [Abstract]

  • Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2008). Effects of a moving distractor object on time-to-contact judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34(3), 605-623. [PDF]  [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Does a rhythmic context have an effect on perceptual weights in auditory intensity processing? Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 24-32. [PDF]  [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). The mid-difference hump in forward-masked intensity discrimination. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(3), 1571-1581. [PDF]  [Abstract]

  • Oberfeld, D. (2007). Loudness changes induced by a proximal sound: Loudness enhancement, loudness recalibration, or both? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 2137-2148. [PDF]  [Abstract]

  • Oberfeld-Twistel, D. (2023). Kognitive Anstrengung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen und Konzepte. In J. Grenzebach (Ed.): Workshop zur Quantifizierung mentaler Beanspruchung aus Tätigkeit und Umgebungsfaktoren der Arbeit. Themenschwerpunkt: (Neuro-)physiologische Methoden zur Messung der Wirkung von Lärm auf kognitive Prozesse (baua: Fokus), pp. 62-67. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, doi: 10.21934/baua:fokus20230629. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., Wessels, M., & Kröling, S. (2022). Risiko hohe Beschleunigung? Straßenquerungsverhalten von Fußgänger:innen in Interaktion mit E-Fahrzeugen (mit und ohne AVAS) im Vergleich zu Verbrennern. Unfallforschung der Versicherer, Forschungsbericht Nr. 76. Gesamtverband der Versicherer, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-948917-07-4 [Link]
  • Thönes, S., & Oberfeld, D. (2020). Depression. In S. Schinkel et al. (Eds.), Zeit im Lebensverlauf. Ein Glossar. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 99-102.

  • Bernhard, C., Oberfeld-Twistel, D., Weismüller, D., Hoffmann, C., & Hecht, H. (2019). Nutzungsakzeptanz eines autonomen Kleinbusses in Mainz. Mainzer Experimental Psychology Reports, 5.1. [Full text]
  • Bermeitinger, C., Kaup, B., Kiesel, A., Koch, A., Kunde, W., Müsseler, J., Oberfeld, D., Strobach, T., & Ulrich, R. (2016). Positionspapier zur Lage der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 175-179. [Link]
  • Oberfeld, D., Klöckner, F., & Hecht, H. (2012). Wie schmeckt Wein? Der multisensorische Ursprung der Gaumenfreude (How does wine taste? The multisensory origins of wine flavour). In H. König and H. Decker (Hrsg.), Kulturgut Rebe und Wein. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (pp. 175-185). [Link]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of intensity resolution under forward masking. In E. A. Lopez-Poveda, A. R. Palmer, and R. Meddis (eds.), The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception (pp. 99-110). New York: Springer. [PDF] [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., Baldauf, F., & Hecht, H. (2010). Hinter's Licht geführt: Die Umgebungsfarbe verändert den Geschmack von Wein (Ambient color alters the flavour of wine). labor&more, 42-45.

  • Oberfeld, D., Wessels, M., & Huisman, T. (2023). Auditory and audiovisual time-to-collision estimation and road-crossing decisions. In Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum), Torino, Italy, 11th – 15th September 2023.  [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., Huisman, T., & Wessels, M. (2023). Pedestrians’ time-to-collision estimation and road crossing judgments differ between electric and conventional vehicles. In H. Rottengruber & T. Luft (Eds.), Aggregate- und Antriebsakustik. Tagungsband des 12. Magdeburger Symposiums. Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. doi: 10.25673/103503.  [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., Altinsoy, E., Huisman, T., Beyer, F., & Wessels, M. (2023). Audio-visual perception of vehicles while navigating in traffic: Design,
    evaluation, and research application of multimodal virtual environment technologies. In Balint, J. & Fels, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st AUDICTIVE Conference, June 2023, RWTH Aachen, pp. 113-116. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., Ponsot, E., & Verhey, J. L., Hots, J. (2020). What causes the primacy effect in temporal loudness weights? In Proceedings of the e-Forum Acusticum 2021, 3411-3415. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2009). The temporal weighting of the loudness of time-varying sounds reflects both sensory and cognitive processes. In M. A. Elliott, S. Antoniević, S. M. Berthaud, P., B. Bargary, C. Martyn & H. Schmidt (Eds.), Fechner Day 2009. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (pp. 261-266). Galway, Ireland: International Society for Psychophysics.  [PDF]
  • Dittrich, K., & Oberfeld, D. (2007). The temporal weighting of annoyance. In S. Mori, T. Miyaoka, & W. Wong (Eds.), Fechner Day 2007: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics. Tokyo: The International Society for Psychophysics. [PDF]  
  • Oberfeld, D. (2006). "Using variability in forward masker level to study the decision process in forward-masked intensity discrimination," in Fechner Day 2006: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, edited by D. Kornbrot, R. M. Msetfi, and A. W. MacRae (The International Society for Psychophysics: St. Albans, UK), pp. 151-156.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2006). "Forward-masked intensity discrimination: Evidence from one-interval and two-interval tasks," in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '06, edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (Berlin: DEGA), pp. 309-310. [PDF] 
  • Oberfeld, D., & Plank, T.  (2005). "Temporal Weighting of Loudness: Effects of a Fade In," in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '05, edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik(Berlin: DEGA), pp. 227-228. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2004). "Modeling Loudness Enhancement," in Proceedings of the Joint Congress CFA/DAGA `04, edited by Société Francaise d'Acoustique and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, pp. 1121-1122. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2003). "Intensity Discrimination and Loudness in Forward Masking: The Effect of Masker Level," in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA `03, edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (Oldenburg: DEGA), pp. 606-607. [PDF]

  • Oberfeld, D. (2003). "Modeling the Effects of Forward-Masker Level on the Loudness of a Tone," in Fechner Day 2003: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Larnaca Bay, Cyprus, edited by B. Berglund and E. Borg (ISP: Stockholm), pp. 211-216.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2000). "Accent Perception in Sequences of Physically Identical Sounds," in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000, edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (Oldenburg: DEGA), pp. 238-239 (in German).

  • Oberfeld, D. (2005). "Alteration of intensity resolution and loudness by sounds presented in temporal proximity". Doctoral Dissertation, University of Technology, Berlin. Reviewers: Prof. Dr. M. Thüring (TU Berlin), Dr. R. Carlyon (MRC-CBU, Cambridge, UK). 
  • Oberfeld, D. (2010). Bowker (1948) test for symmetry: Exact test [Mathematica® package]. Wolfram Library Archive. [Link]

  • Oberfeld, D. (2023). Pedestrians’ time-to-collision estimation and road crossing judgments differ between electric and conventional vehicles. Plenary talk. Symposium "Aggregrate- und Antriebsakustik", Uni Magdeburg, June 2023, invited by Prof. Jesko Verhey. [Manuscript]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2022). Auditory and audiovisual time-to-collision estimation and road crossing judgments. Workshop "Improving mobility with low vision", Rice University Houston, July 2022, invited by Prof. Pat DeLucia.
  • Oberfeld, D., von Castell, C., & Boustila, S. (2021). Auditory and audiovisual perception of the size of interior spaces. Colloquium of the Team IGG: Computer Graphics and Geometry, Laboratoire ICube, Strasbourg, invited by Dominique Bechmann.
  • Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., Ponsot, E., & Verhey, J. L., Hots, J. (2020). What causes the primacy effect in temporal loudness weights? e-Forum Acusticum 2021, structured session "Loudness", invited by Sabine Meunier.

  • Oberfeld, D., Wenzel, S., Leinen, S., Reuper, B., Bös, J., & Grimm, G. (2020). Ein kombiniertes audio-visuelles System zur Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung und des Verhaltens in dynamischen Verkehrssituationen. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik − DAGA 2020, Hannover (canceled due to Corona). Structured session "Auditory cognition in interactive virtual environments", invited by Prof. Janina Fels.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2019). Perceptual weights in loudness judgments. Lecture at the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, 15.10.2019, invited by Prof. David Poeppel.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2018). Sensory and cognitive aspects of auditory perception: Loudness of time-varying sounds and individual differences in cocktail-party listening. Kolloquium Current Topics in Perception and Cognition, Uni Gießen, 25.4.2018, invited by Dr. Christoph Witzel.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2018). Statistics in psychoacoustics: Computation of psychophysical indices. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Halle (Saale), 28.2.2018, invited by Prof. Jesko Verhey.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2017). Perceptual weights in loudness judgments for time-varying sounds. External seminar of the Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, 19.4.2017, invited by Dr. Peter Neri.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2016). The use of auditory and visual cues in traffic situations. Kolloquium Hearing Science Rhein-Main, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, 10.6.2016, invited by Prof. Uwe Baumann.

  • Oberfeld, D., & Klöckner-Nowotny, F. (2016). Psychoacoustic and cognitive predictors of cocktail party listening. 42. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik − DAGA 2016, Aachen, 18.3.2016, Pre-colloquium "Auditory cognition in complex listening conditions", invited by Prof. Janina Fels and Prof. Iring Koch.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Sequential effects and order effects in loudness judgments and intensity discrimination. IRCAM Paris, 14.12.2015, invited by Dr. Patrick Susini.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Which visual and auditory cues are used in time-to-collision judgments? Laboratoire ICube, CNRS & Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, 31.10.2015, invited by Dr. Birgitta Dresp.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Psychoacoustic and cognitive predictors of cocktail party listening. MRC Institute of Hearing Research, Nottingham, UK, 6.10.2015, invited by Dr. Christian Füllgrabe.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Loudness. Basic principles and current research. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 17.9.2015, invited by Prof. Wolfgang Kropp.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Audiovisual integration in time-to-collision judgments. Centre de Recherche Cerveau & Cognition, Toulouse, 11.9.2015, invited by Dr. Robin Baurès.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2015). Introduction to applied cognitive research. Department of Psychology, Universität Tübingen, 20.1.2015, invited by Prof. Barbara Kaup and Prof. Hartmut Leuthold.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). Detection of gradual changes in acoustic intensity. INCIA - Institut de Neurosciences cognitives et intégratives d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, 9.10.2014, invited by Dr. Laurent Demany.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). How do listeners judge the loudness of time-varying sounds? Spectro-temporal weights for loudness. Workshop "Current topics in loudness", INSA Lyon, 15.9.-16.9.2014, invited by Prof. Etienne Parizet.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). The perception of environmental stimuli: Sensory, cognitive, and emotional aspects. Philips Research Eindhoven, Behavior, Cognition & Perception Group, 16.6.2014, invited by Prof. Armin Kohlrausch.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). Time-to-contact estimation in complex situations. Kolloquium Kognitionswissenschaft & Kognitive Ergonomie, Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft, TU Berlin, 4.6.2014, invited by Prof. Manfred Thüring.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). Effects of grouping in auditory discrimination tasks. Vision and cognition seminar, Brain Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 10.5.2014, invited by Prof. Michael Herzog.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2013). Analysis of repeated-measures designs: The case of non-normal data. Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, 25.9.2013, invited by Dr. Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld
  • Oberfeld, D. (2013). Intensity discrimination under non-simultaneous masking: The role of selective attention. Seminar des SFB/TRR 31 "Das aktive Gehör", Uni Magdeburg, 28.6.2013, invited by Prof. Jesko Verhey.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2012). Messwiederholungs-Varianzanalysen: Eine Studie zur Kontrolle der Typ I Fehlerrate bei nicht normalverteilten Daten und kleinen Stichproben. Gastvortrag, Institut für Psychologie, Uni Würzburg, 27.4.2012.
  • Oberfeld, D., Heeren, W., Rennies, J., & Verhey, J. L. (2012). Die spektrotemporale Gewichtung der Lautheit dynamischer Geräusche [Spectro-temporal weighting of the loudness of time-varying sounds]. 38. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik − DAGA 2012, Darmstadt, 19.3.2012, invited by Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2011)Multisensorische Wahrnehmungseffekte beim Weingenuss. Ringvorlesung Weinwissenschaft an der Uni Mainz, SoSe 2011, 7.6.2011.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2011). Intensity discrimination under masking: the role of auditory object perception. Gastvortrag Kolloquium Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 6.10.2011.
  • Oberfeld, D., & Klöckner, F. (2011). Die Umgebungsfarbe verändert den Geschmack von Wein – eine Studie zu multimodalen Effekten bei der Aromawahrnehmung. 102. Bundeskongress des Deutschen Vereins zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, 7.4.-11.4.2011, Mainz.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2010). Molecular psychophysics. Perception Journal Club, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes, 23.9.2010, invited by Prof. Patrick Cavanagh.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2009). Effekte des Pegelprofils auf die zeitliche Gewichtung von Lautheit  (Effects of the level profile on the temporal weighting of loudness). Kolloquium zur Akustik, Medizinischen Physik und Signalverarbeitung, Institut für Physik, Uni Oldenburg, 23.6.2009, invited by Prof. Jesko Verhey.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Effekte der Oberflächenhelligkeit auf die wahrgenommene Größe eines Raumes: Experimentalpsychologische Befunde (Effects of surface lightness on the perceived size of rooms). FarbInfo 2008,  24. &  25. 10. 2008, Deutsches Architekturzentrum Berlin, invited by Prof. Axel Büthner.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Zeitliche Gewichtung von Lautheit: Evidenz für einen verzögerten Primacyeffekt (Temporal weighting of loudness: Evidence for a delayed primacy effect). Kolloquium des Instituts für Psychologie, TU Darmstadt, 17.4.2008, Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2007)E-Testing mit Multiple Choice in Seminaren der Allgemeinen Psychologie. Infoveranstaltung „E-Klausuren“ des MedienDidaktikZentrums der Universität Mainz, 13.06.2007, invited by  Dr. Günther Wetter.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2006). Elektronische Klausuren. Erster "E-Learning Tag" der Universität Mainz, 10.11.2006, invited by Prof. Stefan Aufenanger.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2005)Der Effekt von Distraktorinformation auf Kontaktzeitschätzungen (The effect of distractor information on time-to-contact judgments)Colloquium Kognitionspsychologie, Institut für Psychologie und Arbeitswissenschaft, TU Berlin, 26.1.2005, invited by Prof. Manfred Thüring.
  • Oberfeld, D., Altinsoy, E., Huisman, T., Beyer, F., & Wessels, M. (2023). Audio-visual perception of vehicles while navigating in traffic: Design,
    evaluation, and research application of multimodal virtual environment technologies. 1st AUDICTIVE Conference, June 2023, RWTH Aachen. [Manuscript]
  • Wessels, M., Kröling, S. & Oberfeld, D. (2022). Audiovisual time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles: The acoustic signature of electric vehicles impairs pedestrians' judgments. 19th International Symposium on Hearing, Lyon.
  • Wessels, M., Biwer, A., & Oberfeld, D. (2022). Improved time-to-collision estimates for accelerating vehicles: The effect of a visual acceleration signal. European Conference on Visual Perecption, Nijmegen.
  • Oberfeld, D. & Wessels, M. (2022). Pedestrians make riskier road crossing decisions in interaction with accelerating electric compared to conventional vehicles. 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2022), Stuttgart.
  • Wessels, M. & Oberfeld, D. (2022). The acoustic signature of electric vehicles during acceleration impairs pedestrians' TTC estimates. 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2022), Stuttgart.
  • Oberfeld, D., Wessels, M., & Büttner, D. (2021). Auditory and audiovisual time-to-collision judgments for electric and conventional vehicles. 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2021), Wien.
  • Wessels, M., Zähme, C. & Oberfeld, D.(2021). Auditory information improves time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles. 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2021), Wien.
  • Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J. L. (2019). Temporal weights in loudness judgments: A review. 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen.
  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., Verhey, J. L., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). Parametric measurement of the effects of relative loudness on the relative weights. Poster, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). Area perception in interior space. Poster, 42th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Leuven.
  • Hots, J., Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., & Verhey, J.L. (2019). Zeitliche Gewichtung der Lautheitswahrnehmung im Lautheitsmodell. DAGA 2019, Rostock.
  • Fischenich, A., Hots, J., Verhey, J.L., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). Frequency-channel specific reset of the primacy effect in temporal loudness weights. DAGA 2019, Rostock.
  • Hots, J., Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., & Verhey, J.L. (2019). Der Einfluss von Innenohrschwerhörigkeit auf die spektrale Gewichtung bei der Lautheitswahrnehmung. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Heidelberg.
  • Jonauskaite, D., …, Oberfeld, D., … & Mohr, C. (2019). Data-driven approach reveals universal patterns in colour-emotion associations across 30 nations. Poster, Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE), Amsterdam.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Eye-height affects the perceived layout of interior space. Poster, European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Trieste.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2018). Effects of eye-height on the perception of interior space. Poster, 60. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Pychologen (TeaP), Marburg.
  • Oberfeld, D., DeLucia, P. R., Keshavarz, B., & Campos, J. L.(2017). The use of accurate versus heuristic auditory and visual cues for time-to-collision judgments. Acoustics 2017, Boston, 25.6.-29.6.2017 (Special session "Perceptual weights and cue  integration in hearing: Loudness, binaural hearing, motion perception  and beyond", organized by Daniel Oberfeld, Virginia Richards, and Bernhard Seeber).
  • Dael, N., Jonauskaite, D., Oberfeld, D., Antonietti, J.-P., Zhang, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Havelka, J., & Mohr, C. (2017). Emotional associations to colour terms in China, Germany, Greece and United Kingdom. Poster, International Convention of Psychological Science, Wien, 23.3.-25.3.2017.
  • Oberfeld, D., & Keshavarz, B., Campos, J. L., & DeLucia, P. R. (2017). Estimating the relative weights of accurate and heuristic auditory and audiovisual cues for time-to-collision judgments in a simulated traffic scene. 43rd German Acoustics Conference (DAGA 2017), Kiel, 6.3.-9.3.2017.
  • Thönes, S., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Time Perception and Temporal Processing in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis. Poster, 1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Bright paint makes interior space surfaces appear farther away. Poster, 40. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Berlin.
  • Thönes, S., von Castell, C., Iflinger, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2017). Effects of color on time perception: Blue induces an overestimation of stimulus duration. Poster, 40. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Berlin.
  • Oberfeld, D., & Wilms, L. (2016). Color and emotion: Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness. Poster, Seeing Colors, Regensburg, 19.9.-21.9.2016.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). The effect of ceiling color on interior space perception. Poster, 39. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Barcelona, 28.8.-1.9.2016.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2016). Temporal perceptual weights in loudness: The role of sound duration. Inter.Noise 2016, Hamburg, 22.8.-24.8.2016.
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2016). Pattern matters in interior space perception. Poster, 58. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Pychologen (TeaP), Heidelberg, 21.3.-23.3.2016. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Wilms, L. (2015). Effects of color on emotion: Evidence from self-report ratings and physiological measures. Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Genf, 8.7.-10.7.2015. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Klöckner-Nowotny, F. (2015). Predictors of impaired cocktail-party listening in young adult listeners with normal hearing. 41th Acoustics Conference (DAGA 2015), Nürnberg, 16.3.-19.3.2015.
  • Pfeiff, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2015). A maximum-likelihood method for estimating perceptual weights and internal noise: Evaluation using a “double pass” approach. 41th Acoustics Conference (DAGA 2015), Nürnberg, 16.3.-19.3.2015.
  • von Castell, C., Welsch, R., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2015). Light ceilings don’t just seem higher – they look it. Poster, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Pychologen (57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists), Hildesheim, 9.3.-11.3.2015. [PDF]
  • Grotjohann, A., & Oberfeld, D. (2015). An evaluation of Franz Marc‘s colour theory using implicit testing procedures. Poster, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists), Hildesheim, 9.3.-11.3.2015. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Thönes, S. (2014). Verändert Depression die Zeitwahrnehmung? Eine Metaanalyse. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum, 22.9.-25.9.2014.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2014). Effects of perceptual grouping and object-based attention in auditory intensity discrimination tasks. Workshop Auditory Attention and Scene Analysis, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, 21.7.-23.7.2014.
  • Oberfeld, D., Klöckner-Nowotny, F., Reinhard, R., & DeLucia, P. (2014). Detektion gradueller Intensitätsänderungen in auditiven Stimuli [Auditory detection of gradual changes in intensity]. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen TeaP 2014, Gießen, 30.3.-2.4.2014. [PDF]
  • von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2014). Was war höher? Ein 2AFC-Paradigma zur Erfassung der wahrgenommenen Deckenhöhe von Innenräumen. Poster, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen TeaP 2014, Gießen, 30.3.-2.4.2014. [PDF]
  • Wilms, L. & Oberfeld, D. (2014). Emotionale Wirkung von Farbe [Effects of color on emotion]. Poster, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen TeaP 2014, Gießen, 30.3.-2.4.2014. [PDF]
  • Stelzmann, D., von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2014). Schlau durch Blau, ruhig durch Pink? Haben Farben einen Einfluss auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und Emotionen? Poster, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen TeaP 2014, Gießen, 30.3.-2.4.2014. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2013). Estimating the sensitivity in discrimination tasks: Recent challenges and advances. Theme session organized for the 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: Fechner Day 2013, Freiburg i. Br., 21.10.-25.10.2013.
  • Balk, R., Klöckner-Nowotny, F., & Oberfeld, D. (2013). A new look on "order effects" and sensitivity in two-interval discrimination tasks: Decisions weights and internal noise. 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics: Fechner Day 2013, Freiburg i. Br., 21.10.-25.10.2013.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2013). Color-flavor interactions in wine tasting. 39. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn, Würzburg, 30.5.-1.6.2013.
  • Klöckner-Nowotny, F., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2013). Der Einfluss farbigen Umgebungslichts auf das wahrgenommene Aroma von Wein (The effect of ambient lighting color on the flavor of wine). 55. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Wien (Austria), 24.3.-27.3.2013.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2012). Messwiederholungs-Varianzanalysen: Eine Studie zur Kontrolle der Typ I Fehlerrate bei nicht normalverteilten Daten und kleinen Stichproben (Repeated-measures ANOVAs: A study on the control of the Type I error rate for non-normal data and small samples). 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld, 23.9.-27.9.2012.
  • Levulis, S.J., DeLucia, P. R., & Oberfeld, D. (2012). Effects of task-irrelevant cars on judgments of deceleration and time-to-contact during car-following. Poster, 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October 22-26, 2012.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2012). Towards a new measure of auditory stream segregation based on molecular psychophysics. Poster, 16th International Symposium on Hearing, Cambridge, UK, 23.7.-27.7.2012. [PDF]
  • Kuta, M., Oberfeld, D., & Stahn, P. (2012). Binaural masking release in forward-masked intensity discrimination. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mannheim, March 2012.
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H. & Cavallo, V. (2011). Crossing a multi-lane street: Irrelevant cars increase unsafe behavior. Poster, Skills conference, Montpellier, France, 15th-16th December 2011. [PDF]
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Cavallo, V. (2011). Judging the contact-times of multiple objects: Evidence for an early bottleneck. 14th ACAPS congress, Rennes, France, 24th-26th October 2011.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2011). Effects of ambient color on the flavor of wine. 5th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Wine Economists, Bozen, Italy, 21.6-26.6.2011.
  • Baurès, R., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2010). Perceptual rather than motor limitations constrain temporal-range estimation of multiple objects. Perception, 40(1), 118-119 (Poster presented at the 1st French-British conference on visual perception, Paris, 17th-18th December 2010).
  • Oberfeld, D. (2010). Insights into the temporal weighting of loudness: Are we using oversimplified loudness models? 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik - DAGA 2010, Berlin, Germany, 15.3-18.3.2010.
  • Oberfeld, D. & Hecht, H. (2009). Effects of task-irrelevant texture motion on time-to-contact judgments. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany, 24.8-28.8.2009.  [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2009). Electrophysiological correlates of intensity resolution under forward masking. International Symposium on Hearing, Salamanca, Spain, 1.6.-5.6.2009.
  • Katzer, A., Witthöft, M., Oberfeld, D., & Hiller, W. (2009). Crossmodale visuell-taktile Wahrnehmungsprozesse und deren Beziehung zu somatoformen Beschwerden und Krankheitsängsten. 6. Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie und 27. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 21.5-23.5.09, Zürich.
  • Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Landwehr, K. (2009). Effects of task-irrelevant texture motion on time-to-contact judgments. International Workshop on Time-To-Contact Estimation, Mainz, 7.5-8.5.2009.
  • Mitschke, T., Oberfeld, D., & Kemper, C. J. (2009). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens für die Peer-Evaluation von studentischen Referaten. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Jena, 29.3-1.4.2009.
  • Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2008). Effects of surface lightness on the perceived height of rooms. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4), 70 (Talk presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin). [Abstract]
  • Hecht, H. , & Oberfeld, D. (2008). Raumwahrnehmung und Farbe. Spektrale 2008: Internationales Symposium in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 13.11-14.11.2008.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Temporal weighting in loudness judgments of time-varying sounds containing a gradual change in level (A). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123, 3307 (Talk presented at the Acoustics '08, 30.6.2008-4.7.2008, Paris, France). [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Hat die Farbgestaltung eines Raums einen Effekt auf seine wahrgenommene Größe? Eine psychophysische Untersuchung der Raumwahrnehmung. Lahn-Neckar Kolloquium Winter 2007/2008, 1.2.2008, TU Darmstadt.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2008). Analyse von Messwiederholungsdaten (Analysis of repeated measurements). Kolloquium Forschungsmethodik, 19.6.2008, Uni Mainz. [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D. (2007). Estimates of loudness enhancement and induced loudness reduction at short masker-target intervals (A). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, 2967 (Talk presented at the 154th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, USA). [Abstract]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2006). "Kontaktzeiturteile: Effekte eines bewegten Distraktorobjekts (Time-to-contact judgments: effects of a moving distractor object)". 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mainz.
  • Dittrich, K., Hachgenei, B., & Oberfeld, D. (2006). "Führt die graduelle Einblendung eines Geräusches zu einer gleichmäßigeren Lautheitsgewichtung? (Does a gradual fade-in result in a more uniform temporal weighting of loudness?)". 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mainz. [PDF]
  • Dhum, M., Oberfeld, D., Hecht, H., & Allendorf, U. (2006). "Die Umgebungsfarbe bei der Weinverkostung beeinflusst globale Geschmacksurteile und maximalen Kaufpreis (Ambient color has an effect on global liking and maximum buying price for white wine)," 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mainz.
  • Fella, K. , Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2006). "Distraktoreffekte bei Kontaktzeiturteilen: Einfluss der relativen Startdistanz (Distractor effects on time-to-contact judgments: influence of the relative starting position of target and distractor object)," 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mainz.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2005). "Effekte von Distraktorinformationen auf Kontaktzeitschätzungen". Lahn-Neckar Kreis SoSe 2005, Uni Gießen, 8.7.2005.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2005). "Effects of rhythmic attention on perceptual weights in multiple observation tasks". 10th Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop (RPPW2005), July 2-6, 2005 at Landcommanderij Alden Biesen (Bilzen, Belgium). [PDF]
  • Oberfeld, D., & Rollett, W. (2004). "Strategies in Stroop tasks using integrated stimuli". 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2003). "Effect of Masker Intensity on Intensity Processing under Forward Masking". 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Kiel.

  • Oberfeld, D. (2000). "Perception of Accents in Sequences of Long and Short Inter-Onset-Intervals". Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop 2000, Castleton, UK.
  • Oberfeld, D. (2000). "Zur Wahrnehmung subjektiver Akzentuierung in Abfolgen von kurzen und langen Inter-Onset-Intervallen". Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Jena.
  • Oberfeld, D., Rollett, W., & Brinkmöller, J. (2000). "Stimulus-Frequency Induced Attentional Strategies in a Stroop-like Task". Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Braunschweig.

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